Towards Global Diversity and a Multicultural Community
大学からのメッセージ Message from Chuo University
中央大学では、障害、病歴、経済状況、家庭環境、性別、性自認、性的指向、年齢、国籍、人種、言語、信念、宗教など、多様な背景をもつ全ての学生ならびに教職員が公正に学内での活動に従事できる環境作りを推進します。 ダイバーシティ宣言
At Chuo University, we strive to create an environment in which students and faculty/staff members of diverse backgrounds, including all abilities, medical histories, economic conditions, family environments, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, nationalities, races, languages, faiths and religions, can learn, work together, and participate equally in campus life. Diversity Declaration
In relation to global diversity and multicultural community, we encourage university-wide efforts to provide consideration especially for students and faculty members with diverse nationalities, races, ethnicities, languages, beliefs, and cultures, as well as to promote mutual understanding and shared values.
We will address the issues and challenges of individual students and faculty/staff members, and do everything possible to resolve problems in the learning, educational and living environment on campus as well as any general issues. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
これまでの活動 Activities
The Diversity Center is engaged in activities to deepen our understanding of diversity and multicultural community. We look forward to your participation.
Major activities in the 2020-2024 academic years
March 3, 2023 and April 4, 2024 International Student Orientation (introduce DCT activities and publicize upcoming events)
December 2, 2023 "Casual exchange event between international and domestic students - Let's interact with various people through sports!”
(Mixed teams played table tennis, volleyball, and badminton in the Gym2. Heated battles unfolded.)
2023年6月3日「日本の難民問題を知ろう!」:『東京クルド』上映会&トークセッション (BOND 外国人労働者・難民と共に歩む会)
企画運営: SALP (シドニー・アクティブ・ラーニング・プログラム) x DCT
June 3, 2023 “Let's learn about the refugee problem in Japan”: “TOKYO KURDS” movie screening & talk session with BOND Migrant Workers and Refugee Support Group
Organised by: SALP (Sydney Active Learning Programme) x DCT
An article about this event was published in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper
日本の難民問題を知ろう! 中央大でイベント
2023年4月6日, 7日「知ろう!語ろう!友達になろう!」
April 6 and 7, 2023 “Learning! Discussing! Becoming friends!”
Topic: "New international students: Meet and make friends with domestic students. Get advice on living and studying in Japan!"
2023年2月4日【講演会】ニッポンの多様なアイデンティティを楽しむ: アイヌの在日コリアンの若者から学ぶ多民族国家『ニッポン』
February 4. 2023 Lecture "Enjoying Diverse Japanese Identities: Learning from Ainu and Zainichi Korean Youth about Japan as a Multi-Ethnic Nation”
July 4, 2022 Students Roundtable "Common things in China"
June 30, 2022 “Rap×Diversity”
Talk & workshop on rap and diversity
【Diversity Days 2022】Rap × Diversity を開催しました
Diversity Days 2022を開催しました
June 3, 2022 “Learning! Discussing! Diversity!”
Topic: "International students: International and domestic students meet, discuss, and get to know each other"
2022年5月6日「ダイバーシティとは何か? 映画『WHOLE/ホール』について考える」
May 6, 2022 “What is Diversity? Thinking about the movie "WHOLE"
Viewing movie and discussion.
March 23, 2021 “Microaggression”
Considering microaggression on campus: the case of Zainichi Korean residents in Japan
相談窓口 Consultation services
- ハラスメントに関すること:主としてハラスメント防止啓発支援室
- 心理的な不安:主として学生相談室(多摩キャンパス:金曜日11:00~17:00・英語対応可のカウンセラーが在席)
- 学生相談全般:学生相談室(多摩キャンパス:英語での対応可のスタッフが在籍、月~金9:20~17:00)
- 留学生向け相談(在留手続き、住居、医療、奨学金、国際交流イベントなど):主として国際センター
- 就職活動・インターン・進学など、キャリアに関すること:主としてキャリアセンター(英語対応可)
- 履修登録、学業に関すること:主として所属学部等の事務室、国際センター(留学生)
- 身体障害、視覚障害、知的障害に関すること:主としてダイバーシティセンター
支援について - 精神障害(発達障害を含む)に関すること:主として学生相談室、学部事務室等に所属するキャンパス・ソーシャルワーカー
- ジェンダー・セクシュアリティに関し、相談するにもハードルが高いと感じる場合やどこに相談したらいいかわからないこと:主としてダイバーシティセンター
Consultation services are available on the following matters:
- Harassment-related issues: mainly from the Harassment Prevention Committee Support Desk
- Mental health: mainly from the Student Counseling Room (Tama campus: an English-speaking counselor is available Fridays 11:00-17:00)
- General student counseling: Student Counseling Room (Tama Campus: English-speaking staff are available Monday-Friday 9: 20-17: 00)
- Consultation for international students (on residence procedures, housing, medical care, scholarships, international exchange events, etc.): mainly from the International Center
- Career-related matters such as job hunting, internships, and going on to higher education: mainly from the Career Design Support Center (English support available)
- Course registration and academic matters: mainly from the office of the faculty to which you belong, and from the International Center (for international students)
- Physical disabilities, visual disabilities, intellectual disabilities: mainly from the Diversity Center
支援について - Mental disabilities including developmental disabilities: mainly from the Student Counseling Room, Campus Social Workers (CSWs) of faculty offices
- If you feel uncomfortable consulting elsewhere, or don’t know where to consult regarding gender and sexuality issues: mainly from the Diversity Center
Each consultation service at Chuo University will consider the best way to help you after hearing about your situation and wishes. With your consent, we may collaborate with related organisations.
ダイバーシティセンター事務室 Chuo University Diversity Center |
042-674-4554 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
ハラスメント防止啓発支援室 Harassment Prevention Committee Support Desk |
042-674-3507 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
国際センター International Center |
042-674-2211 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
キャリアセンター Career Design Support Center Office |
042-674-3500 お問い合わせ(多摩キャンパス)/Inquiry (Tama Campus) 多摩キャンパス以外の問い合わせは以下からお願いします。 For inquiries in Korakuen and Ichigaya campuses: お問い合わせ |
学生相談室(多摩キャンパス) Student Counseling Room (Tama Campus) |
042-674-3481 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
都心学生生活課学生相談室(後楽園キャンパス) Student Affairs Section (Korakuen Campus) |
03-3817-1724 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
市ヶ谷田町キャンパス学生部事務室 Student Affairs Section at the Ichigaya Campus |
03-3513-0309 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
保健センター事務室(多摩キャンパス) Health Center (Tama Campus) |
042-674-2968 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
保健センター分室(後楽園キャンパス) Health Center (Korakuen Campus) |
03-3817-1722 問い合わせフォームは多摩キャンパス保健センターへ Inquiry form for Tama Campus would be used |
保健センター分室(市ヶ谷キャンパス) Health Center (Ichigaya Campus) |
03-5368-3503 問い合わせフォームは多摩キャンパス保健センターへ Inquiry form for Tama Campus would be used |
保健センター分室(市ヶ谷田町キャンパス) Health Center (Ichigaya Tamachi Campus) |
03-3513-0139 問い合わせフォームは多摩キャンパス保健センターへ Inquiry form for Tama Campus would be used |
法学部事務室 Faculty of Law |
042-674-3111 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
通信教育部事務室 Distance Learning Division |
042-674-2342 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
経済学部事務室 Faculty of Economics |
042-674-3311 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
商学部事務室 Faculty of Commerce |
042-674-3511 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
理工学部事務室 Faculty of Science and Engineering |
03-3817-1733 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
文学部事務室 Faculty of Letters |
042-674-3711 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
総合政策学部事務室 Faculty of Policy Studies |
042-674-4111 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
国際経営学部事務室 Faculty of Global Management |
042-674-4410 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
国際情報学部事務室 Faculty of Global Informatics |
03-3513-0307 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
大学院事務室 Graduate Schools |
042-674-2613 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
法科大学院事務課 Chuo Law School |
03-5368-3511 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
戦略経営研究科事務課 Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management |
03-3817-7485 お問い合わせ/Inquiry |
*The telephone numbers and links above will take you to the offices of the various faculties and sections listed.
その他、学生生活について Other aspects of student life
1)定期健康診断 Regular health checkups
If you have concerns about taking the health examination, we will cooperate with the health center to provide a checkup on another day.
2)体育実技やゼミ合宿、課題授業等 physical education skills, seminar camps, assignment classes, etc.
If you have any requests regarding the use of changing rooms and showers during physical education, or off-campus activities (seminar training camps, fieldwork, etc.) that involve accommodation and bathing, please contact your faculty office or the Diversity Center.
3)留学生向け情報 Information for international students
国際センター International Center
多摩キャンパス 11号館2階 2nd floor, Building #1, 1Tama Campus
The Center provides non-academic support for international students mainly on issues related to status of residence (visas) and scholarships, so that you can live in Japan with peace of mind and enjoy a fulfilling student life.
Information on the Chuo website for international students:
Campus Life
4)礼拝室 Prayer room
多摩キャンパス グローバル館4階 Tama Campus, Global Building, 4th floor
後楽園キャンパス 6号館7階 6707号室(後楽園ダイバーシティラウンジ内)Korakuen Campus, Building 6, 7th floor, Room 6707 (inside the Korakuen Diversity Lounge)
茗荷谷キャンパス 3階 Myogadani Campus, 3rd floor
5)ハラルフード、ベジタリアンに関しての食事 Halal food, vegetarian meals
多摩キャンパス Cスクエア1階 リーフカフェ、ヒルトップ 2階 生協喫茶テラス
Tama campus: Leaf Café, C Square Building and Co-op Cafe Terrace, 2nd floor, Hill Top
Halal Food Products in CHUO(442KB)
6)アカデミックライティング Academic Writing
ライティング・ラボ Writing Lab.
多摩キャンパス FOREST GATEWAY CHUO 5階 アカデミック・サポートセンター内
Tama campus: Forest Gateway, 5th Floor (inside the Academic Support Center)
中央大学ASC ライティング・ラボ
学生による主体的な取り組み Student-led activities
We welcome the active participation of students interested in global diversity and creating a multicultural community.
Diversity Creator Team(DCT: ダイバーシティクリエーターチーム)
“We are a student group set up with the goal of promoting diversity at Chuo University. By planning and organising events and other activities, as well as providing information, we support the enrichment of the lives of students attending Chuo University. We look forward to your participation in our activities.”
お問い合わせ Inquiries:diversity.creator.team@gmail.com
インスタグラム Instagram @diversity_creator_team
ツイッター Twitter @diversity_2021