
専任教員「英語」の公募について [法学部]




1 職名および人員 教授、准教授または助教 1名

2 担当科目 英語

3 応募資格・要件(1)以下のいずれかを満たしていること
a) 博士学位を有し、採用予定日において1年以上の大学教育歴を有する者
b) 修士学位を有し、採用予定日において2年以上の大学教育歴を有する者

4 採用予定日 2022年4月1日

5 応募締め切り日 2021年8月10日

6 選考方法

7 提出書類

8 応募書類提出方法

9 待遇
職名: 教授、准教授または助教
雇用形態・雇用期間: 大学専任教員(無期雇用契約、定年70歳)
給与: 【本俸】学部卒業後の教育研究歴に応じて決定する。毎年度定期昇給あり。教授(月額)459,200円〜、准教授・助教(月額)327,600円~ 【住宅手当】25,000円 【その他手当】通勤交通費、扶養家族手当、稼働に応じた手当支給あり
社会保険: 健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険に加入
休日・休暇: 学年暦および中央大学専任教員規程による。祝祭日の授業実施日あり
研究費: 基礎研究費として(年額)430,000円
就業場所における受動喫煙防止のための取組事項: キャンパス内では屋内外問わず全面禁煙の措置が採られています。

10 問い合わせ
中央大学法学部 専任教員(英語科目)採用 選考担当


The Faculty of Law of Chuo University invites applications for a full-time tenured position to begin on 1 April 2022.

1. Position: Professor (kyoju), Associate Professor (junkyoju), or Assistant Professor (jokyo); one person

2. Subjects: English

3. Requirements and Expectations
a. Candidates must meet either of two requirements:
(1) Holds a PhD degree or equivalent with a minimum of one year’s university teaching experience.
(2) Holds a master’s degree with a minimum of two years’ university teaching experience.
b. A commitment to teaching English courses, as well as courses in the humanities or social studies in Japanese and / or English and to supporting students’ academic development (including teaching in the Distance Learning Division).
c. A commitment to administrative duties including curriculum development and study abroad programme management, to be carried out both in English and Japanese.

4. Starting date: 1 April 2022

5. Application deadline: 10 August 2021

6. Selection process
a. The hiring committee will review all written applications.
b. Short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for an interview. Details of the interview procedure and schedule will be provided at the time of notification.
c. Candidates selected for an interview will be required to submit copies of their three main publications and a certificate or photocopy of their highest academic degree; these are only required of short-listed candidates.
d. Interviews will take place in both Japanese and English. Interviews will be held via video conference.

7. Required application documents
Documents must be A4 size, but there is no standard format required for each document.
a. A curriculum vitae
b. A full list of academic publications, with three main publications identified and summarized in both Japanese (approximately 300-ji) and English (approximately 150 words) (See 6.c.) above)
c. The names, affiliations and contact information of at least two referees
d. An essay in English (approximately 500 words) on your approach to English language education
e. An essay in either Japanese (approximately 1,000-ji) or English (approximately 600 words) on how you would use your academic specialization to teach an introduction to academic studies seminar for first-year students in the Faculty of Law.

8. Application procedure
We will be processing your application online. All application materials should be saved together as a single PDF file. Once you have prepared the file, please send an email to the address below to notify us of your intention to apply, providing your name and the number of pages of the PDF file by 10 August 2021 (Do NOT send the PDF file as an attachment file with your email, for security reasons). After you have sent an email indicating your intention to apply, you will receive an email (within 24 hours) containing a URL for uploading your application file.

9. Compensation
Job title: the successful candidate will be appointed Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor, depending on qualifications and experience. This is a tenured position for teaching staff (retirement age is 70).
Salary, allowance and benefits: these will be provided in accordance with Chuo University regulations. Salary will start from ¥459,200 per month (Professor) or ¥327,600 per month (Associate Professor and Assistant Professor); plus ¥25,000 per month for housing support; transportation expenses; allowance for dependents, and other additional payments depending on tasks performed.
Insurances: health insurance, social insurance, labour insurance, accident compensation insurance are prepared.
Holidays: holidays are determined in accordance with Chuo University regulations. There may be teaching days on national holidays.
Research funding: basic research funding of ¥430,000 per year will be provided.
The measures against second-hand smoking in your workplace: the campus is completely smoke-free, both inside and outside the buildings.

10. For further information, please contact:
The Hiring Committee
Faculty of Law, Chuo University
