2022年度の授業実施について -原則として対面授業で実施-(再掲)
中 央 大 学
学 長 河 合 久
中 央 大 学
授業科目の実施方法の詳細は、決定次第、各学部からC plus、manaba等でお知らせいたしますので、大学からのお知らせを確認するようにしてください。
December 13, 2021
To all students
Classes in Academic Year 2022
Hisashi Kawai
President, Chuo University
The university has started classes for the second semester (fall semester) of AY 2021, and is conducting a variety of courses by effectively combining face-to-face classes and distance classes, taking into account the various measures issued by the government. However, the social situation is still unpredictable even as we, hopefully, move toward the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to the spread of the coronavirus in 2021, we were forced to impose various restrictions on the implementation of classes and other events, as well as on research and extracurricular activities. But we are grateful we have been able to secure learning opportunities for students and maintain the social role that the university should play. I believe this is due in large part to your efforts to act in a self-disciplined way with a high level of awareness, and to your understanding and cooperation with the various policies set forth by the university. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude once again to all students for your efforts and cooperation.
Although the status of coronavirus infections and vaccinations mean there are many unpredictable factors for the future, including changing social conditions and government policies on behavioral restrictions, we would like to welcome all students to our campus in the new academic year and provide you with a fulfilling campus life, with face-to-face academic activities and student exchanges. I once again ask all of you to continue your efforts to avoid becoming infected and to avoid possibly infecting others. Above all else, I hope that everyone will remain healthy throughout their life at Chuo University.
For prospective students who are planning to enroll next year, all of us at Chuo University are pleased that despite the unpredictable social conditions, you have shown interest in our university’s traditions and achievements, our student-centered approach, and our efforts to maintain and enhance the academic environment.
As you begin your new university life, I am sure that along with your high expectations and vague anxieties, you also have concerns about the current situation. In this era of "with corona" and "after corona," several aspects of student life, including extracurricular activities and the university’s learning environment, are changing, but at Chuo University, we are preparing to welcome you to study on campus with the strong support of everybody involved. We would like to provide you with opportunities to try out many new things everything you experience here at Chuo University will become the foundation for your brilliant future.
I sincerely hope that you will keep your confidence and peace of mind during this time, and that you will be able to take on all the challenges that come your way after entering Chuo University. I am sure that you are making all kinds of preparations for the start of your new life, and I wish you a healthy and meaningful time.
It is unfortunate that we are still unable to completely alleviate concerns regarding the coronavirus. However, we hope to see all the students, both current and new, at our campuses in the upcoming semester by taking various countermeasures to ensure your safety and peace of mind.
In order to further develop the university’s research and education activities together with all the students, we have decided on the basic policy for implementation of classes in AY2022 as follows.
We will make every effort to help you have a fulfilling student life. Thank you very much for your continued understanding and cooperation.
Class Format in AY2022 (announcement)
Chuo University
On the premise that sufficient measures against the coronavirus will be taken, as a general rule courses in AY2022 will be conducted as “face-to-face courses” conducted on each campus. At the same time, some courses will be offered as online “distance class courses” when it is considered they can be more effective with online features proactively implemented.
This policy applies to undergraduate faculties. For graduate schools (including professional graduate schools), necessary adjustments may be made in consideration of the characteristics of each educational and research environment. Please note that this basic policy may be reviewed as appropriate due to changes in social conditions, specifically the spread or reduction of coronavirus infections and related regulations and revisions to higher education administration.
Details on how to conduct each course will be announced by each faculty via C plus, manaba, etc. as soon as decided. Please pay attention to notifications from the university.
Basic Policy for Class Implementation in AY2022
1. In conducting education and research activities, including provision of lectures, various measures to prevent the spread of infection shall be taken to ensure that students can learn and gain experience by taking advantage of the rich environment and resources of Chuo University. This shall be done with the safety of students and faculty members as top priority, while referring to the guidelines issued by the government and relevant ministries and agencies.
* Please refer to Attachment 1 for the handling of various activities at the University.
* In the event of unexpected circumstances, such as further spread of infectious diseases or a large-scale disaster, this basic policy will be reviewed in a flexible manner with safety as the top priority.
2. On the premise that sufficient measures against the new coronavirus infection will be taken, courses in AY2022 will be conducted as “face-to-face courses” conducted on each campus, in order to further improve the quality and to ensure efficiency regarding education, and to secure opportunities for exchanges of faculty and students.
* There will be no limit to the number of students accommodated in a classroom or other venue.
* For students who have difficulties commuting to university due to various reasons including underlying medical conditions, consideration will be given based on individual circumstances to avoid any disadvantages.
3. Among the courses offered in AY2022, if a class can be more effectively offered with online features proactively implemented, it can be offered as a “distance course” in consideration of the characteristics of the class.
* Please refer to Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 for the handling of “face-to-face courses” and “distance courses.”
4. We shall make efforts to improve and enhance the following points in order to offer classes in an appropriate and smooth manner and to maintain and further improve the quality of classes.
- Securing and improving various facilities and equipment necessary to prevent further spread of the coronavirus infection.
- Improving “manaba” (class support system)
- Upgrading our information and communication environment (including securing licenses for various online conference systems) to be utilized when conducting distance classes, and improve our human support systems.
- Providing sufficient student support measures for securing opportunities to study both on and off campus.