【新刊紹介】教育学専攻 堀尾輝久名誉教授『Thoughts, Ideologies and Structures of Modern Education』
堀尾輝久 著
東京大学出版会 2024年4月8日
菊判 404頁
ISBN 978-4-13-057203-3
PART I Evolution and Conflict of Thought and Ideology Corresponding to the Change of Socio-conomic Structure: Freedom and Equality
Chapter 1 Education in Modern Europe: The idea of public education
Chapter 2 Education in Monopoly Capitalism: Formation of national education
Chapter 3 Compulsory Education and the Right to Education: Changing ideas of parental authority
Chapter 4 Concerning Education and Equality: Critique of the theory of equality of educational opportunity
PART II Education in Modern Japan: Retrospect and Prospect
Chapter 5 Education in Japan: Retrospect and Prospect: With particular focus on education, historical consciousness and the Text-Book problem
Chapter 6 Imperialism and Education in Modern Japan
Chapter 7 Concrete Problems of Education and Law in Postwar Japan: A comparative perspective
Chapter 8 Education and Meritocracy in Japan from the Perspective of the Rights of the Child
Chapter 9 Problems of Unidimensional Meritocracy and Conformism in Japanese Society and Education
Chapter 10 Reform in Japanese Education: A critique of privatisation and a proposal for recreating public education
Chapter 11 Democracy, Freedom, and the Right to Education in Japan
PART III Education in the Global Age
Chapter 12 Culture of Peace, Human Rights, and Living Together: The significance and prospects of education in a global age
Chapter 13 Human Rights and Children’s Rights in the Global Age: Concerning the Convention on the Rights of the Child
I Valeurs et enjeux de l’education a l'ere planetaire: Paix, droits de l'homme, kyosei (vivre ensemble)
1. Proposal for a Global Charter for Peace Modeled on the Idea of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution Renouncing War and Armed Force (Article 9 Society for a Global Peace Charter)
2. The right to live in peace for all peoples of the world, Global Charter for Peace (A model from Japan) ―Development of the idea of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution from the perspective of the Age of Globe― (Article 9 Society for a Global Peace Charter)