


特別講義1 (学部生向け) ‘Second Language Real-Time Sentence Processing’

2018年6月18日(月)2限 / Monday, June 18, 2018.  11:00-12:30

3353教室 『第二言語におけるリアルタイム文処理』


In this lecture we will look at some research that looking at L2 learners’ processing, particularly in comparison to native speakers. We will start by looking at general topics in sentence processing, and then I will provide some data from on-line studies. One of the major topics in psycholinguistics in general is ‘incremental’ processing. That is, how do comprehenders interpret the input word by word? What kinds of information guide their ongoing analyses? Are L2 learners as able as native speakers to incrementally process the input? Which factors (working memory, proficiency, etc) may cause any observed differences between L1 and L2 processing?



Roberts, L. & Felser, C. (2011). Plausibility and recovery from garden-paths in second language sentence processing. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32, 299-331.

Roberts, L. (2016). Self-paced reading and L2 grammatical processing. In Advancing Methodology and Practice: The IRIS Repository of Instruments for Research into Second Languages (pp. 58-72). Routledge.



特別講義2 (大学院生向け) ‘Grammatical knowledge and L2 processing’

2018年6月19日(火)4限/ Tuesday, June 19, 2018  15:00-16:30

3号館5階 英米文学共同研究室会議室『文法知識と第二言語処理』


In this lecture we will look at some research that investigated L2 learners’ real time parsing, focusing on what on-line data (self-paced reading, eye-tracking and ERP recordings) may be telling us about grammatical knowledge and grammatical processing in the L2. I will zoom in on a set of studies on tense-aspect processing in L2 English. Influences from learners’ L1 is a central theme of the work, and the learners come from a range of L1s which either do or do not instantiate grammatical aspect (French, Spanish, Chinese, Greek, Dutch, German). We will discuss the extent to which such data can inform theories of SLA, and grammatical development in general.



Roberts, L. & Liszka, S. A. (2013). Processing tense-aspect agreement violations on-line in the L2: A self-paced reading study with French and German L2 learners of English. Second Language Research, 29, 413-439.

Roberts, L. (2016). Self-paced reading and L2 grammatical processing. In Advancing Methodology and Practice: The IRIS Repository of Instruments for Research into Second Languages (pp. 58-72). Routledge.



担当:文学部英語文学文化専攻 平川眞規子(hirakawa@tamacc.chuo-u.ac.jp)