

Professor Teramoto of the Faculty of Commerce awarded “Best Symposium Paper Award” at 2024 ANZMAC-GAMMA Joint Symposium

The co-authored paper of Professor Takashi Teramoto, the Department of Marketing and International Trade of the Faculty of Commerce, titled “Digital Coupon Effectiveness in Shopping List Creation,” has won the “Best Symposium Paper Award” of the 2024 ANZMAC-GAMMA Joint Symposium.

This International Conference is co-hosted by the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) and the Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations (GAMMA). It took place on a single day during the annual conference of ANZMAC.

Awardee: Takashi TERAMOTO (Professor of the Faculty of Commerce, Chuo University), Naoki AKAMATSU (Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University), Satoshi NAKANO (Junior Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University), Shin Sato (CCCMK HOLDINGS)
Symposium: 2024 ANZMAC-GAMMA Joint Symposium
Paper title: “Digital Coupon Effectiveness in Shopping List Creation”

This study examined the effects of coupon issued at an opportune time - when customers are using the shopping list utility installed in mock-retail application. Regarding the probability of customers using the coupon (redemption rate), the results showed that coupon for hedonic goods (beer, coffee, etc.) had a higher redemption rate than those for utilitarian goods (detergent, soap, etc.). However, it was shown that a customer who received coupons for utilitarian goods while creating a shopping list were more likely to type those products to the list and purchase them in greater amount compared to a customer who received coupons either before creating a shopping list or while shopping. This behavior can be explained by the self-signaling effect, where receiving coupon for utilitarian goods when creating the list activates the sense of “I am a smart shopper” which is then reinforced as the list is created.

Comment by the Professor:
I am very honored to have received a reasonable evaluation at the international conference. We will make further efforts in the future.

Learn more about Professor Takashi Teramoto

Department of Marketing and International Trade (Japanese site only)