CHOIS library material location guide (Brief guide by stack location)
Tama Campus
Location | Library | How to use the library service and materials | ||
中央書庫 | CHUOSHOKO | Central Library | M,1F Closed stacks |
Please take the required procedures at the service counter on the 2nd floor of the Central Library to use any of the items. |
中央和装 | CHUOWASO | |||
中央大型 | CHUOOGATA | |||
中央小型 | CHUOKOGATA | |||
貴重書庫 | KICHOSHOKO | Only faculty members of this university are allowed to use the items. Please take the required procedures at the service counter on the 2nd floor of the Central Library. | ||
準貴重書 | JUNKICHOSHO | |||
雑誌コーナー | 2F Journal Corner |
You can go directly to the corner and read and browse. No request for interlibrary loan is accepted. | ||
参考 | SANKO | 2F Reference room |
The items in the reference room are for in-room use only. No request for interlibrary loan is accepted. | |
開架 | KAIKA | 4F Open Stacks |
You can use the items on open stacks on the 4th floor without taking any specific procedures. If you want to borrow any of the items, go to the service counter on the 4th floor of the Central Library and request a loan. | |
開架大型 | KAIKAOGATA | |||
開架新書 | Data | |||
開架文庫 | KAIKABUNKO | |||
AV | AV | 4F AV |
Please go to the audio-visual room front desk on the 4th floor and make a request for use. | |
国際機関 | KOKUSAIKIKAN | 2F International Document Room |
You can use the items without taking any procedures. If you need to copy or borrow a text, go to the International Documents Room service counter and make a request. | |
外部保管 | GAIBUHOKAN | External Depository | If you need any material from the out-campus depository, print the "reading request form," take it to the service counter on the 2nd floor of the Central Library, and make a request. You will have to wait for a few days to use the item after making the request. | |
院 | IN | Graduate Library | Building No.2 5F |
Please complete the required procedures at the Graduate School Library service counter to use any of the items. |
総合政策 | SOGOSEISAKU | Policy Studies Library | Building No.11 3F |
No procedure is required to use the items stored in this location. If you want to borrow any of the items, go to the Policy Studies Library counter and ask for a loan. |
国文 | KOKUBUN | Faculty of Letters Major-Specific Library | Building No.3 7F |
If you want to read/borrow any of the books/materials stored in a respective library, go to the relevant major-specific library service counter, and make a request. Please note, however, that loan limits are placed in some of the libraries. |
英文 | EIBUN | Building No.3 5F |
独文 | DOKUBUN | Building No.3 5F |
仏文 | FUTSUBUN | Building No.3 5F |
中国言語 | CHUGOKUGENGO | Building No.3 5F |
日本史 | NIHONSHI | Building No.3 7F |
東洋史 | TOYOSHI | Building No.3 7F |
西洋史 | SEIYOSHI | Building No.3 7F |
哲学 | TETSUGAKU | Building No.3 9F |
社会学 | SHAKAIGAKU | Building No.3 9F |
社会情報 | SHAKAIJOHO | Building No.3 4F |
教育学 | KYOIKUGAKU | Building No.3 9F |
心理学 | SHINRIGAKU | Building No.3 9F |
総合教育科目 | SOGOKYOIKUKAMOKU | Building No.3 5F |
経済学部図書室 | KEITOSHOSHITSU | Faculty of Economics Library | Building No.7 3F |
You can use only those books and materials not stored in the Central Library. Please make your request at the service counter of the Faculty of Economics library. |
Tama Campus (Research Institutes)
Location | Library | How to use the library service and materials | ||
比較法研* | HIKAKUHOKEN* | Institutes Library | Building No.2 3,4F |
You can use books/materials not stored in the Central Library. Please specify the book/material you need to use and make a request at the reception counter located at the entrance of Research Institutes Library (4th floor, Building No. 2). |
経済研* | KEIZAIKEN* | |||
企業研* | KIGYOKEN* | |||
人文研* |
社研* | SHAKEN* | |||
政策研* | SEISAKUKEN* | |||
保体研究所 | HOTAIKEN | Institute of Health and Sports Science Library | Gymnasium No.1 |
You can use books/materials not stored in the Central Library. Print the "reading request form," take it to the service counter on the 2nd floor of the Central Library, and make a request. |
Korakuen Campus
Location | Library | How to use the library service and materials | ||
理工 | RIKO | Science and Engineering Library | Building No.6 7F |
Complete the required procedures at the service counter on the 6th floor of the Science and Engineering Library to use the items in this library. |
理工大型 | RIKOOGATA | |||
理集密 | RISHUMITSU | Building No.6 BF1 |
理開 | RIKAI | Building No.6 5F |
No specific procedure is required.If you want to borrow any of the items, go to the service counter on the 6th floor of the Science and Engineering Library and request a loan. The materials in "RIKAISHITEI" are not available for interlibrary loan. |
理開大型 | RIKAIOGATA | |||
理開指定 | RIKAISHITEI | |||
理AV | RIAV | Building No.6 6F |
Complete the required procedures at the service counter on the 6th floor of the Science and Engineering Library to use the room. No specific procedure is required. The items are not available for interlibrary loan. |
理参考 | RISANKO | |||
数学 | SUGAKU | Departmental Libraries in the Faculty of Science and Engineering | Building No.6 12F |
Consult a staff at the service counter on the 6th floor of the Science and Engineering Library to use the library service. Some of the materials are not available for inter-campus loan. |
物理 | BUTSURI | Building No.1 5F |
都市環境 | TOSHIKANKYO | Building No.2 4F |
精密 | SEIMITSU | Building No.2 3F |
電気 | DENKI | Building No.1 6F |
DS | DS | Building No.6 10F |
情報 | JOHO | Building No.1 2F |
地学 | CHIGAKU | Building No.2 1F |
生命科学 | SEIMEIKAGAKU | Building No.2 5F |
人間総合 | NINGENSOGO | Building No.2 9F |
理人社 | RIJINSHA | Building No.6 7F |
理英 | RIEI | |||
理独 | RIDOKU | |||
理仏 | RIFUTSU | |||
理中 | RICHU | |||
理体 | RITAI | Building No.1 2F |
Korakuen Campus (Institute of Comparative Law)
Location | Library | How to use the library service and materials | ||
比研後楽園書庫 | HIKENKORAKUENSHOKO | Institute of Comparative Law Korakuen | Building No. 3 | Institute of Comparative Law Korakuen is specified for Institute members use. Please note that non-members use are restricted. Non-members can use the Institute holdings if it is not available at other libraries. Please search in advance with CHOIS, print and bring a request form. *Undergraduate students and Alumni can not use the Institute of Comparative Law Korakuen's Library. |
比研後楽園21 | HIKENKORAKUEN21 | |||
Ichigaya Tamachi Campus
Location | Library | How to use the library service and materials | ||
iTL | iTL | Faculty of Global Informatics Library | 2F Open stacks | No special procedures are required to use the open stacks. Please go to the counter of the Faculty of Global Informatics Library when you wish to borrow materials. “iTLSANKO” and “iTLSHITEI” materials cannot be checked out or sent to other campuses. Only undergraduate and graduate students, faculty members are permitted to use the Library without going through special procedures. All other users are requested to use materials by sending them to the Library of the campus where they are based. |
iTL参考 | iTLSANKO | |||
iTL指定 | iTLSHITEI | |||
iTL書庫 | iTLSHOKO | Closed stacks | Please consult the counter of the Faculty of Global Informatics Library if you wish to use “iTLSHOKO” materials. |
Myogadani Campus
Location | Library | How to use the library services and materials | ||
法図開架 | HOTOKAIKA | Faculty of Law Library |
4F | No specific procedure is required. If you want to borrow any materials, please make a request at the 4th floor circulation counter in the Faculty of Law Library. |
法開架小型 | HOKAIKAKOGATA | |||
法開架大型 | HOKAIKAOGATA | |||
法開架参考 | HOKAIKASANKO | Materials housed at “HOKAIKASANKO,” “HOKAIKASHITEI,” and “HOREIHANREI” are not in circulation. Please view these in the Library only. | ||
法開架指定 | HOKAIKASHITEI | |||
法令判例 | HOREIHANREI | |||
法図B2 | HOTO B2 | B2 | Only graduate students and faculty members can enter the 2nd floor basement area of the Faculty of Law Library. When you want to borrow materials housed there, please request at the 2nd floor basement circulation counter. For undergraduate students, please consult the Faculty of Law Library 4th floor circulation counter. |
Surugadai Campus
Location | Library | How to use the library services and materials | ||
LS法務 | LS HOMU | Professional Graduate School Library | 12F | This Library is only available to Chuo faculty members, students of the Chuo Law School or the Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management, and those who have special permission from the director of the Library. Materials housed in “LS SANKO,” “LS SHITEI,” “BS SANKO,” and “BS SHITEI” are not in circulation, nor are magazines. If you want to borrow any of these materials, please make a request at the circulation counter of the Professional Graduate School Library located on the 12th floor. Undergraduate and graduate students can borrow the general collection books housed at “LS HOMU,” “LS SHOKO,” “BS SENRYAKU,” and “BS SHOKO” by requesting these be transferred to your library of choice. |
LS基本 | LS KIHON | |||
LS参考 | LS SANKO | |||
LS指定 | LS SHITEI | |||
LS書庫 | LS SHOKO | |||
BS戦略 | BS SENRYAKU | |||
BS基本 | BS KIHON | |||
BS参考 | BS SANKO | |||
BS指定 | BS SHITEI | |||