Faculty of Science and Engineering

The Department of Mathematics offers excellent opportunities for exploring the world of mathematics. The principal aim of the Department is to educate students with programs in mathematics, statistical science and computer science at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Research at the professional level is also encouraged.
There is currently a great demand in society for highly qualified mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists. To meet this demand, the Department is offering well-coordinated courses for learning fitted capabilities.
Our educational programs include: Introduction to Set Theory, Elementary and Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, General Topology, Algebra, Geometry, Statistical Mathematics, Programing Language, as well as more advanced mathematics. Furthermore, we have our own library and computer room available for students.
Our students, in preparation for a wide variety of careers, find that they can increase their capabilities for analyzing, formulating and solving problems arising not only from mathematics but also from any human activities. Mathematical study provides an appreciation of one of the most wonderful and useful human activities.
Fields of interest
- Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory
- Algebraic Geometry, Complex Manifolds
- Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis
- Ordinary/Partial Differential Equations
- Differential Geometry, Geometric and Global Analysis
- Topology, Mathematical Physics
- Foliation Theory, Contact Topology and Geometry
- Symplectic Geometry, Transformation Groups
- Statistical Science, Mathematical Statistics
- Computer Science, Computer Topology