Overview of Our Global Initiatives
Developing Global Human Resources
In today’s world there are few boundaries between people, society, finances and information. Everyday life has globalized, and “global individuals” are no longer just those who work in international trading companies and international institutions. Even small factories that import materials and unfinished goods are at the forefront of globalization in Japan.
Across the world there are countless cultures and lifestyles, and “global” does not mean just one way of doing business; it is about knowing that there are many perspectives on what works best and there are various views of justice.
This is why at Chuo we believe that each student should acquire professional knowledge and skills with which they can contribute to society. At Chuo, we are excited to provide diverse opportunities and experiences that lead to nurturing global perspectives based on our university motto, “Knowledge into Action.”
Developing Global Human Resources Project
Chuo University is a government-funding winner in the Japanese Government’s 2012-2016 Developing Global Human Resources Project. Under this framework we are developing our institutional strengths based on a tradition of practical education in order to make an even greater contribution to global society.