Institute of Cultural Sciences


  1. To conduct collaborative research relating to cultural sciences.
  2. To acquire and archive research materials.
  3. To publish research results.
  4. To hold workshops and lectures.
  5. To provide necessary practical support for achieving the above aims.

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Message from the Director

Director FUKAMACHI Hideo Professor, Faculty of Global Management

Ranging from linguistics, literature, and philosophy to education, psychology, and history, our research fellows’ fields of interests are extensive and diverse.
However, all one hundred and forty-odd research fellows, two hundred-odd visiting fellows, and twenty-odd associate fellows have something in common: our mind to examine and explore human nature from various angles.
Even in these times of technological innovation and economic utility, it is often astonishing to realize that human nature remains conspicuously unchanged despite the rapid changes taking place around us.
Therefore, as director, I hope that the Institute will continue to contribute to the betterment of the present and future world through the investigation, speculation, and discussion concerning various aspects of human nature conducted through our about forty research projects.


  • Kenkyu Sosho (Research Article Collections)
  • Honyaku Sosho (Translation Collections)
  • Jinbunken Kiyo (The Journal of the Institute of Cultural Sciences)
  • Jinbunken Booklet (The Booklet of the Institute of Cultural Sciences)
  • Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyujo Nenpo (The Annual Report of the Institute of Cultural Sciences)


University of Cambridge photo by Cajeo Zhang on Unsplash

Chuo University Institute of Cultural Sciences concludes Agreement of Cooperation with Cambridge Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Centre【2020.9】
  The Chuo University Institute of Cultural Sciences (hereinafter ICS) has concluded an inter-institutional agreement with Cambridge Language Sciences, an Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge (hereinafter CLS), the very first research institution in Japan to do so.


To further facilitate research exchange and collaboration across countries and disciplines by engaging in activities such as joint research and academic networking for the purpose of cross-disciplinary knowledge sharing.

Areas of cooperation

a.Exchange of academic staff from CLS and researchers from ICS
b.Exchange of graduate students from CLS and associate researchers from ICS
c.Joint research projects
d.Joint conferences
e.Joint cultural programs