Research Promotion Office
What is "Research Promotion Office" ?

Toshikazu KATO
General Manager of Research
Promotion Office
It was decided in 2015 to initiate research activity at Chuo University, and to promote cooperation with external organizations, such as industry and government. This initiative provides prompt and flexible support, such as proposing research, managing and operating projects, managing intellectual property, and technology transfer, and it actualizes the social contribution of the research.
Research Support Office oversees the office of cooperation for industry, academia, and government (Korakuken campus and Tama campus).
For inquiries about the development and technology at our university, joint research, and commissioned research, please contact the research support office at each campus.
Our Policy
Chuo University actively implements research activities by request from the community and society, and it contributes to the creation and development of culture and the welfare of society and humankind. To prepare a basis to promote research activities comprehensively and sustainably, we build the research environment stipulated by the basic policy.
Research Phillosophy
Through pursuit of truth and the solution of universal questions, we create new knowledge that leads to the future.
Through implementation of research based on the connection to society, and by contributing to society with the achievement, we contribute to creation and development of culture and the welfare of society and humankind.
Through the pursuit of high-quality and unique research, we become a university with a social presence.
Basic Policy
Respecting the diversity in research
Respect the diversity in research, and guarantee voluntary, spontaneous, and creative research activities.
Promotion of unique research and enhancement of academic exchange
Promote interuniversity collaboration, industry–academia–government cooperation, and international joint research, and aim to build a unique research base characterized with new value and service, and enhancement of academic exchange.
Transmission of research achievements
Actively and effectively transmit and publish research achievements, promote conversation with society, and contribute to the creation and development of the culture and welfare of society and humankind.
Evaluation of appropriate research
Evaluate and examine research activities and achievements with an objective and fair perspective, and aim for inheritance and development of research basis.
Development of research environment
While preparing environmental base that sustainably promotes diverse and unique research, build a system that implements fair and appropriate research safely in accordance with research ethics.
Function and Support System of Research Promotion Office
Our flow cahrt for cooperation and support system is below.