Facts and Figures


Cash Flow Statement (2022 academic year)

(Unit: million yen)

Category Budget Actual expenditures Difference
Personnel   21,934 21,822 112
Faculty and staff members 20,844 20,578 266
Retirement benefits 1,090 1,244 △ 154
Educational and research expenditures 14,625 14,920 △ 295
Maintenance expenditures 1,290 1,605 △ 316
Interest on debts, etc. 66 53 13
Repayment of principal of debts, etc. 707 667 39
Facility-related expenditures 21,442 21,063 379
Equipment-related expenditures 3,130 3,859 △ 729
Asset management expenditures 3,956 4,134 △ 179
Expenditures transferred to other accounts 184 186 △ 2
Other expenditures 995 1,180 △ 185
Contingency funds 0 - 0
Adjusted cash outflow △ 902 △ 922 20
Total expenditures for the academic year 67,427 68,568 △ 1,141
Payments carried over to the following year 17,903 18,673 △ 770
Total 85,330 87,241 △ 1,911
Category Budget Actual expenditures Difference
Revenue from student tuituion 33,130 33,506 △ 377
Revenue from service charges 2,086 2,199 △ 114
Revenue from donations 444 590 △ 146
Revenue from subsidies 2,985 2,106 879
Revenue from asset management 0 0 0
Revenue from business activities 1,102 1,319 △ 217
Interests and dividends 451 491 △ 39
Miscellaneous revenue 1,246 1,280 △ 34
Revenue transferred from other accounts 1,021 968 54
Revenue from debts 5,000 5,000 0
Revenue from advance receipts 10,939 11,220 △ 281
Other revenue 20,497 21,949 △ 1,452
Cash inflow adjustment account △ 11,540 △ 12,148 608
Total revenue for the fiscal year 67,359 68,480 △ 1,121
Payments carried over from the preceding year 17,971 18,761 △791
Total 85,330 87,241 △ 1,911
Difference of revenue and expenditures for the fiscal year △ 68 △ 88 21

Balance Sheet (2022 academic year)

(Unit: million yen)

Assets Section Liabilities/Net Worth Section
Category End of this academic year End of last academic year Difference Category End of this academic year End of last academic year Difference
Fixed assets 189,726 185,402 4,323 Fixed liabilities 36,529 32,230 4,300
Liquid assets 20,369 20,322 47 Liquid liabilities 13,472 13,547 △ 75
        Endowment 209,613 189,605 20,008
        Cumulative difference of revenue and expenditures △ 49,520 29,659 △ 19,862
Total 210,095 205,724 4,371 Total 210,095 205,724 4,371