

Introducing the Chuo University Partnership System

As part of its efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion on campus, Chuo University has introduced the Provisions on the Chuo University Partnership System for faculty and staff members. These provisions recognize partnerships, such as common-law marriages and same-sex relationships, as equivalent to legal marriages, ensuring that partners in such relationships are treated on par with married couples.

Benefits available upon submission of the prescribed notification include:
*Wages (including family allowances and bonuses)
*Lump-sum payment from the university pension
*Welfare programs (including scholarships for bereaved children, medical insurance, subsidies for nursing care, housekeeper services, babysitter services, childcare support services, and access to nursery facilities)
* Congratulatory and condolence allowances

Message from the Chair of the Board and the President

In October 2017, Chuo University announced the Chuo University Declaration in Support of Diversity and later established the Diversity Center in 2020. Since then, we have been committed to respecting the human rights of all individuals, including faculty and staff, and to fostering an inclusive and discrimination-free environment. The Provisions on the Chuo University Partnership System mark an important step in advancing these efforts for our faculty and staff.

Under the Provisions, the University recognizes partnerships equivalent to marriage, regardless of the legal marital status or the gender of the partners, as being on par with legal marriages. These Provisions reflect the University’s commitment to respecting the diverse ways in which individuals form meaningful life partnerships.

Through the implementation of these Provisions, we aim to foster a workplace where people from diverse backgrounds can work together and fully realize their potential. In doing so, we strive to create a campus environment where students can feel secure, learn freely and grow without constraints.


Masahiko Omura, Chief Executive Director, Chair of the Board
Hisashi Kawai, President


-Publicity Contacts-
Public Affairs Office, Chuo University
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