Chuo President Kawai Attend the 13th Japan-China Presidents Conference
The 13th Japan-China Presidents Conference was held on November 28 and 29, 2023, at Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima. 19 universities and 5 institutions from Japan, as well as 18 universities and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan, attended the conference. President Hisashi Kawai and Vice President/Director of the International Center, Hiroshi Shirai, represented Chuo University.
The theme for this year's event was "Diversity and Fusion: Human Resources and Higher Education in the Coming Era". The event included keynote speeches and sessions on promoting academic and student exchange between the two countries, as well as exploring new ways of university education and research.
At the reception, there were discussions with the presidents of the participating universities, as well as individual conversations with Xiamen University and Nankai University. The importance of exchanging researchers and students was mutually confirmed, and the conference was concluded successfully.
Commemorative photo with Xiamen University
Commemorative photo with Nankai University