

[IRC] Parasport exchange event with international students planned by a dorm student using a wheelchair

On November 16, 2022, the IRC Boccia Festival, an exchange event for dormitory students of the International Residence Chuo, was held in the 3rd floor hall of Forest Gateway Chuo, Tama Campus.

International Residence Chuo celebrated its third year of establishment in the spring of 2022. During the first two years, the dormitory had only a few international students, as it was greatly affected by COVID-19 and many international students were unable to enter the country. However, in 2022, in its third year, a large number of international students arrived in Japan from many countries and regions. Last September, 118 foreign residents from 20 countries and regions entered the dormitory, living together with Japanese students.

IRC often organizes events led by Residence Assistants (RAs) to deepen interaction among dorm residents, and this boccia tournament was one of the events held. The event was originally scheduled to be held last July, but due to the spread of COVID-19, it was postponed and took place in November.

See the GO GLOBAL site report for details.
https://globalization.chuo-u.ac.jp/report/action/2023/01/15174/ (Japanese only)