

FPS Prof. Hattori's book published in English translation

English translation of a book authored by Professor Ryuji Hattori of the Faculty of Policy Studies has been published.

Title: China-Japan Rapprochement and the United States: In the Wake of Nixon’s Visit to Beijing

ISBN 9781032201931

Published December 31, 2021 by Routledge

168 Pages

Publisher’s URL: China-Japan Rapprochement and the United States: In the Wake of Nixon' (routledge.com)


The original book: 『日中国交正常化――田中角栄、大平正芳、官僚たちの挑戦』(中公新書、2011年)


The book has also been translated in Korean: 『중국과 일본의 악수──1972년 국교정상화의 진실』(서울: 역락, 2017)


Book Description

Based on extensive original research including interviews with key participants, this book examines how, following Richard Nixon’s famous visit to China in 1972, Japan established formal diplomatic relations with China, doing so before the United States and other Western countries. It considers the key personalities – Prime Minister Tanaka and Foreign Minister Ōhira on the Japanese side, and Zhou Enlai on the Chinese side, outlines how the discussions unfolded, and discusses the key issues which divided the two sides and how these issues were resolved: Japanese war reparations to China, how the two countries perceived their past, how Taiwan should be treated, and possession of the Senkaku Islands. The book also shows how Tanaka and Ōhira sought to reconcile China–Japan relations with the US–Japan Security Treaty and to continue non-governmental exchanges with Taiwan following the severing of relations. Overall, the book emphasises that the nature of the relationship established in 1972 continues to be very important for understanding present day China–Japan relations.

Professor Ryuji Hattori, The Faculty of Policy Studies
HATTORI Ryuji (chuo-u.ac.jp)