Accepting Different Cultures and People’s Diversity Broadens Your World View

- Megumi ASAOKA
- Freelance Photographer
Superintendence of Atelier Megnum Photography
Graduated from the Department of French Studies, Faculty of Letters, in 1987

Chuo University – the place I stepped into adoring overseas cultures,
Ended up being interested in and mad at music, literature, women's history, humanities, and various fields.
What I studied here is the foundation of my life as a photographer,
A profession I reached after being a company employee.
~Broadly engaging in the world, with my tool, camera, in my hand~
Spotlighting the “sunless places” in the world,
Through taking photos, I try to express things that cannot be described in words
A lady stepping forward powerfully; A person's weakness and heartache;
Nature and towns transitioning at the mercy of huge power With belief there is a key clue for the future hidden
From Distributing Things to Creating Things
After graduating from the University, I engaged in buying and merchandising clothes and miscellaneous goods at the apparel company. I enjoyed working there, but at the same time, I started to feel that “maybe it’s time to turn about my life". I became interested in creating things rather than distributing them.

Why photographs? Because I was very familiar with them. I used to shoot products when I was an employee, and I frequently traveled to France on vacations with my camera. Plus, I have a father who loves cameras and a grandfather who loves using 8mm video cameras, and our family enjoyed my grandfather’s video shooting. Maybe such an environment of having a camera always nearby influenced me a lot.
I stepped inside this path having an interest in broadly engaging with the world using “photograph” as a tool, however, it might be correct to say I became a photographer instead of saying I got a job in taking pictures. I feel it was natural to pursue my photography career.
Although I had a regular job in magazine serials, I could not make my living just by taking pictures until I enrolled in the professional school of photography. At that time, I was wearing three hats; a photographer; a teacher with Qualified Flower Designer Level 1; and a librarian. After graduating from the professional school, I engaged in various jobs as a photographer as well as a lecturer. Thanks to all the support and ties I have established through the business, I started to undertake magazines, films, and PRs as a professional photographer and became able to present my documentary pictures as a photographer.
What I Devoted to at Chuo Turned Out to be the Concept of My Work

I have been interested in abroad since I was a high school student. However, there was no faculty such as international relations at that time. If there were such faculty then, I would have entered without hesitation. I had been attracted to French literature for its profoundness compared to American and British literature, so I yearned for France. That's why I chose the Department of French Studies.
I think I was not a kind of attention-grabbing student while in Chuo. I belonged to the brass band club and Hawaiian club, but for the latter half of my college days, I devoted most of my time working as a part-timer due to domestic reasons. Regarding the classes, I broaden my interests into films, music, folklore studies, and no need to say, French literature, etc.
I studied the philosophical aspects in depth such as human hypostasis or life and death, especially through French literature. I can't forget the funny story of the "back-alley” Professor Ihara told us during the break. Talking about the research that is essential for students, I remember struggling with the topic, Gerard de Nerval. Out of the classroom, I spent hours in the library looking into books on women's history during/after the war. I became interested in women's way of life such as prostitution, life and death, gender, and so on.
Looking back, I can tell that the concepts of my current works are all connected to the story I heard from Professor Ihara, books related to women's history, and things I learned enthusiastically.
Encounters and Exchanges through Photographing Always Motivate Me
“Spotlighting the sunless places”
Recently, some parts of the world have been transitioning into a women-friendly society. However, there are still many countries where women are left under harsh conditions to advance into society. I focus on women's way of life who struggle under such tough situations. In addition, the town's scenery, transitioning town and nature, people who live there… I want to take unspoken neutral expression, story-telling scenery, people's strengths or weaknesses, loneliness, and so on… I believe there are no correct answers. Those who see my photos get a feeling. Maybe my works are close to French literature in terms of not providing answers.

As a professional photographer, most assignments I take on are colorful ones such as shooting actors and models for magazines. However, I sometimes contract documentary shooting, photographing scenes that show harsh realities. How should I take this reality into myself and how can I convey it? I change my mode and attitude depending on the photo targets.
The documentary film I engaged as a still photographer for publicity, "Dogs and Cats and People 2" (directed by Daisuke Shishido and Motoharu Iida) remains memorable for me.
The film takes place in Namie Town, Fukushima prefecture, after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Director Shishido went back to his hometown in Miyagi prefecture and shot victims of everyday life after the disaster and people who voluntarily helped others. He focused on not only human beings but also afflicted animals. A year after the disaster, there were still hot spots all over the region and we saw no cars except police cars… The shooting was carried out in a contaminated town, exposing ourselves to radioactivity. Animals left in afflicted areas, volunteers who try to save animals’ lives, the film was such that stay close to victims who cannot go back to their hometowns. I was empathetic with the filming style of low positioned and low angled and there were lots to study.
Delighted to Contribute to International Exchange through Photographing

I get to meet many people from both overseas and domestic, covering stories and shooting them. Through such activities, I have expanded my world view and found my job very rewarding.
Local people helped me a lot during the shooting. Sometimes people advised me to take a nap on the hammock because the day was hot, sometimes people let me get out of the squall. People were also nice when I caught a fever of 40 degrees and was forced to stay at the accommodation for a week amid the rampant SARS. The owner of the accommodation and his family took care of me and they even put on a Vietnamese medical treatment which I believe worked on me. They came to see me every day delivering food. When I got a little better, they taught me Vietnamese using newspapers in the lobby. Han-san, an employee, was working in the city to earn tuition for her younger sister, and now her sister is a doctor in Vietnam. Thanks to being sick, I was able to get to know more about Vietnamese people and Vietnamese.
I try to deliver their photos I took face-to-face and then take photos of them again. In that way, we can enjoy the reunion and be impressed with the children's growth. Sometimes, an elderly are passed away but to meet the bereaved family connected with a photograph is a precious experience.
Furthermore, joining a project led by foreign governments enables me to interact with world recognized photographers. Two years ago, I was invited to "Thailand Through Her Eyes 2016," a project to celebrate Thailand Queen Sirikit's birthday. 33 global women photographers were invited to this project to photograph Thailand's scenery through a woman photographer's view. I have belonged to the Northern East Thailand route team and was also invited to the dinner party commemorating the project. Here, I had a very good experience of getting to interact with women photographers who play active roles in the world and become acquainted with them.
I believe that joining such projects or communicating with people who live in frequently visited towns to take pictures do contribute to international exchange and leave a good memory for me. I am grateful for many hands and I take all these supports as a cheer toward my expression as a professional photographer and as a person.
Challenging Toward the Future ~ Open Up Your Dream
Savor joy to engage in society through taking photographs

Besides taking photos, I now convey my shooting techniques to young people as a lecturer at universities or professional schools.
And the next thing I want to challenge is to share my shooting techniques with children. I want children to enjoy clicking the shutter and gain shooting knowledge in a fun way.
I also believe that “to take photos” will lead to “photograph education.” One can realize that there are multiple ways to express one object by changing angles, background, or brightness when taking photos. Being aware that an object can be approached in multifaceted ways, one will be capable of seeing things from many points of view in everyday life. I would be pleased if I could convey through shooting how enjoyable it is to play a role in society. I am sure that children's dreams will open up.
Lately, I had a chance to appear on the Master of Photograph, Shin Yamagishi’s show “Shin Yamagishi Sekai-no-hikari-no-nakade (In the Light of the World)" as a guest speaker. I had seen Shin Yamagishi before at the party but he was too venerable for me to talk to. So I was very happy to be invited to such a precious person’s program and I did my best to finish the program in success. Now I knew my next issue when I am the one being interviewed; to consider how to deliver my message correctly.
I also want to actively present my works domestically and globally in various expressions, connect overseas and Japanese associations, and organize group exhibitions for cultural exchange. I appreciate the encounters with those concerned and I would like to keep working toward my best.
※ “Shin Yamagishi Sekai-no-Hikari-no-nakade”
(Distributed on July 2nd, 2018, TOKYO FM/ FM Sounds)
Posted simultaneously on CAPA August edition (Released on July 20th, 2018, Gakken Plus)
Dear Chuo Students
In order to have a job or act globally, it is better to be fluent in the language. As for me, I studied at an English-speaking school for 3 to 4 years since I felt keenly the need for English-speaking ability when I interviewed abroad or attended meetings.
However, there are indeed many places that do not speak English. In such countries, a little bit of local language and gestures will do. Though, I sometimes find students who can speak English and ask them to translate. I recommend you to study English during your campus life.
Other abilities you should cultivate whether working in Japan or abroad are communication skills and "human being" skills. Your world-view will open up if you can welcome different cultures and diversities. So you need to be friendly and try not to make enemies.
I advise you to avoid fixing your future career. Instead, concentrate on things you are interested in. You might find something that works in your life, or you might find something important among things you considered useless. It might be good to experience many industries and broaden your view. Going the long way around might give you the spice of your life ending up to be a very satisfactory life.

Try Anything
No rush, live a moment with the utmost effort
Don’t miss the chances
Don't be scared of making mistakes, be courageous
Do your best in research, playing, and in love!
My favorite, Southern France
I once was told by my teacher of French Introduction class at Chuo that I speak French with a Southern France accent. Several years later, I visited Southern France for the first time and felt so relieved to be in a place that fit me.
I have been introducing my long journey with stories and pictures of people, dogs, and cats I encounter. I can't stop wandering around wherever I want to go like a cat, with my camera in my hand.
Photo Exhibition: Takasu-mura Cats Stroll

Vietnam is going through a rapid change under the Doi Moi policy. I have taken pictures of days of development in Saigon and the world woven by its light, color, and people such as drastic changes in Ho Chi Minh City and the days the City is about to disappear.
Exhibition held at The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan Main Bar Gallery
(April 28th to June 1st, 2018)

Attending 『Thailand Through Her Eyes 2016』 Tourism Authority of Thailand launched the Thailand Women’s Journey Project, assigning every August which is the birth month of Queen Sirikit as Women’s Month, and invited 33 female photographers around the world in 2016. I attended the mission to shoot Thailand through one's point of view, too. I spent a week with other photographers from 8 countries and the staff of the Thailand government, visiting secluded villages in the country's northern east part mountains taking photos, and talking with the residents. I really had a very special experience there. It is a photographer’s privilege to be able to deliver messages through publication or photo exhibition. Cited from the photo exhibition『Colors of the day in Northern Thailand』

Megumi Asaoka (maiden name: Minoshima)
Photographer, Writer, Superintendence of Atelier Megnum University, Professional School, Lecturer of NHK Culture Center Course, PR companies, etc.
A judge of photograph contests
1963 Born in Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa
1987 Graduated from the Department of French Studies, Faculty of Letters, Chuo University
Graduated from the Department of Photograph, Nagoya Visual Arts Member of Japan Professional Photographers Society, Committee member of International Exchange
Member of The Photographic Society of Japan
(Main Activities)
Editorial/Interview in English, Shooting, Writing (Visited over 100 cities among 30 or so countries), Documentary, Magazine/Book Photography, Advertisement, Animal Pictures, etc.
(Major works and exhibits of Asaoka)
2003 Published『Blue Sky Blue』
2004 Postcard book published of『Blue Sky Blue』~Messages from Cats in The Aegean Sea~
2009『地球横断 犬猫物語(Crossing the Earth Story of Dogs and Cats)』Photo Exhibition and Slide Talk Show: YHI Gallery@ Aoyama
2010『地球横断 犬猫物語(Crossing the Earth Story of Dogs and Cats)』Collaboration Director Motoharu Iida とコラボレーション:Cine Pipia Mefu
2009 Photo Exhibition『BEYOND』:Arts Gallery Nagoya
2010『昨日いた場所 (The place I was yesterday)』Photo Exhibition: Group Exhibition by 7 photographers in Nagoya: Arts Gallery Nagoya
2011『JPS New Member Exhibition』Executive Committee, Attending Charity Photo Exhibition
2013『鷹巣村猫散歩(Takasu-mura Cats Stroll)』Photo Exhibition: Nikon Photo Promenade (Shinjuku, Osaka, Fukuoka)
2013『JPS展 プロフェッショナルの世界 (JPS Exhibit World of Professional)』Attending Photo Exhibition: Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
2014『JPS展 プロフェッショナルの世界 (JPS Exhibit World of Professional)』Photo Exhibition: Yokohama Minato-Mirai
2015『写真家大集合 (Photographers Assembly)』Attending Photo Exhibition: Olympus Plaza
2017『Colors of the day in Northern Thailand』Photo Exhibition: Nikon Photo Promenade (Shinjuku, Osaka, Fukuoka)
2018『Saigon』Photo Exhibition: The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan Main Gallery (Yurakucho)
●『猫の手帖 (Cats’ diary)』Series of Oversea Report, Calendar(1999~2001)
●『Cats』『Wan』『猫生活 (Cats’ Life)』『ハッピートリマー (Happy Trimmer)』(2003~current)/Pet Life Company, Midori Shobo Co.,Ltd., Oversea Gravure, Cover, Domestic Report, Interview shooting
●The Stage『Macbeth Shakespeare』(R Theater)/Poster, Flyer, Shooting on the day (The Chunichi Shimbun)
●Movie『犬と猫と人間と2(Dogs and Cats and People and 2)』(Director Daisuke Shishido, Director Motoharu Iida)/Advertisement Still Shooting (Poster, Leaflet)
●Everyday English/English Materials Still Advertisement/Shooting Thane Camus (2012)
●『猫生活(Cats’ Life)』Midori Shobo/Planning and Shooting of Shizuka Oishi
●『散歩の達人 (Strolling Expert)』UDON BOOK/Kotsu Shimbunsha (2011)
●『横浜・鎌倉・湘南お洒落グルメ案内 (Stylish Cuisine at Yokohama, Kamakura, Shona area)』Nippon Shuppan (2011)
●『散歩の達人(Strolling Expert)』The Tokyo Sampo/Kotsu Shimbunsha (2012)
●『ねこ (Cats)』NEKO PUBLISHING「フォトグラファー浅岡恵さんのー世界ねこ紀行連載 (Photographer Megumi Asaoka – World Cats Traveling Series)」
●『もう一度ハッピーになった車いす犬の物語(The Story of Wheelchair Dog who lived happily again)』Kobunsha (2014)
●『居酒屋『西尾さん』のぬくもり酒 (The Pub “Nishio-san” Affection Sake』Kobunsha (2014)
●『東京おさんぽ マップ (Tokyo Strolling Map)』(2015)
●「東京エキマチ (Tokyo Station City)」Interview and Shooting (2016)
●『CAPA October Edition』~Thailand through HER EYES~gravure reportage
●『All About Yakuzen-Cha』Midori Shobo
●Nagano Prefecture Iijima Town Official Website (http://machisen-iijima.org/the_iijima/)
●Professional Lady Photographers-Thailand through HER EYES /Invited by Thailand Government (2016)
※The names of the magazines, etc., are tentative translations.