Believe in yourself, keep taking on challenges, and set goals higher than others

- Yoshio Sasaki
- Chairperson of Fukusaya Co., Ltd.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Chuo University
Poor childhood, hoping to enrich the island

More than seventy years after the end of the war, our society, which our predecessors worked so hard to create, is now prosperous. However, how long will these prosperous times last? In society, loss of trust and confidence follows endlessly due to data fabrication and falsification, while the world has great expectations for our country. Chuo University's founding spirit is “Fostering the Ability to Apply Knowledge to Practice,” which means practice in society, as well as simple and sturdy. I have high expectations for young students like you as leaders of Japan, and I hope you will keep my life of 82 years in mind as a compass.
Over-wealthy happiness is inferior to under-wealthy happiness. In other words, if you are too blessed with happiness, you will no longer be grateful or moved. Lack and dissatisfaction lead to envy and jealous of others, then everything leads to dissatisfaction, tormenting you. It is because you fall into satisfaction.
My hometown is located on the Rebun Island in Hokkaido, the northernmost part of our country. When I was a boy, the population was around 13,000 people, and the industry of the island was fishing. I was the third son of the Amimoto (head of fishermen). We were poor, but we lived peacefully. After the war, however, when the fisheries policy was reformed, my family fell to just a mere fisherman. I had to go fishing with my father and brother for a living. Children of fishermen were unable to go to school to help their parents, and school was canceled because there were no children in the classroom. It was such a poor village. But I wanted to go to school. In my childish mind, I thought, “The village is poor because the mayor, the top of the village, is at fault. So I will become the mayor. I will build a school where children can feel safe and a good hospital.”
As you are blessed, you have probably seen traffic lights since you were born. On the island, traffic lights were installed about nine years ago. I wondered why they were installed in a place where no one would pass by, but I heard that it was for study purposes so that people would have no trouble when they go to town. I had such questions about traffic lights because I was not wealthy. I was questioning about things taken for granted. In a way, maybe not being rich is happiness.
After making a big decision that “I want to make the village better. I will go to school to become the mayor of this village,” I hopped on a ferry without telling my parents, and moved to my sister’s marriage home with promising her to pay her back when I succeed in life. While working home for my sister, I earned 600 yen by delivering milk, as well as I attended high school, paying the tuition fees. One blizzard morning when I was delivering milk, a mother who was bringing up a baby and could not breastfeed was waiting for a bottle of milk with the door open. Later when I went to collect the money, she showed me the baby and said, “He has grown so much.” Then, I thought, “I am raising a baby. I am not just delivering a bottle of milk.” Work has responsibility, duty, and pride. I looked at my classmates and thought, “They come to school, living off their parents, but I come to school, raising a baby.” Before that, I was miserable, embarrassed, and thought, “Why only me!” But since then, I was no longer embarrassed to meet my classmates.
“Give everything and go on to your dreams. That’s the fight.”
These are the words my mother told me when I was little. There is a mountain of happiness. Reach out and grab the happiness. Once you grab it, don't let go. The effort and patience to keep grasping it. I always keep these words in mind to this day, and live in the moment to the fullest.
Work with inquisitive mind. Life is about feelings and commitment.
“Karashi Mentai Fukusaya” has branches in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kitakyushu, but it started from “Hakata Station Food,” a supermarket located at Hakata Station. At a time when department stores and supermarkets were closed at 7 p.m., we were open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. We had a wide range of products, and soon sold millions of items every day. Later, in order to make use of food materials we had purchased, we opened a fresh fish shop and a restaurant, and served customers sashimi and set meals. In addition, a coffee shop also opened at Hakata Station. In the days without mobile phones, stores were equipped with message boards, cordless phones, fax machines, and copy machines so that people could meet up. Business is about passion and commitment. You cannot improve unless you refine your work. In addition, in order to repay the funds for opening the supermarket, I started selling mentai (spicy fish eggs). There are many mentai vendors in Hakata, so I set up a stall in Ginza to sell them. The then president of the Mitsukoshi department store saw me selling mentai at a stall, with the result that we started doing business together.
Many of you will probably go into business when you start working. So, I would like to tell you a little bit about how to raise funds. I did not start a business 40 years ago because I had money. Money is something you make. You must not borrow money from your parents, siblings, or relatives. If you do not make efforts to make money yourself, your business will not prosper. You have to return what you borrow, and if you borrow it easily, you will use it easily. It is important to make money yourself.
Life is not about how smart you are. Quest for things and courtesy to others are important

If “100 happiness at 100 years old” is the best in life as happiness of a person, it is normal to climb at 45 degrees. However, that is what ordinary people do. I did not choose that path. It does not matter if it is 80 degrees or 90 degrees, I hoped that at least I want to reach the happiness at the age of 80 by around 65 years old. At the age of 13 or 14, children become more sensible and begin to understand a little more about the world. I have been thinking about my life plan since I was a boy. When you are young, your body can recover by eating, taking a bath, and getting a good sleep, but as you get older, it is more difficult to recover. That’s why people say it’s worth buying the hardships while you are young.
A lot of things happen in life, but I have lived my life without feeling too bad. If you think it is hard, you will end up feeling miserable. There is a saying that “Give me the seven misfortunes and eight pains.” When I think about how difficult things are, I feel sad and lose motivation. So I thought I was being given a test. It is difficult to keep trying, but you have no choice but to believe in yourself. Keep doing what you want to do. If you do not have guts, you will not be able to move forward. Life is not about how smart you are. There is nothing better than being smart, but more important thing is to have persistence, desire, inquisitiveness, and ingenuity. As a human, gratitude, greetings, courtesy, responsibility, and duty are important. Being independent means not only to be able to take care of yourself, but to be considerate of others, and not cause trouble to others or the world. It is completely normal. Please feel that everything in this world is your responsibility. Please have pride in your work, be honest and diligent, and show your gratitude to the world. I am also halfway through my journey, but I would like to continue to do my best to show my gratitude to the world for the rest of my life.
Yoshio Sasaki
Chairperson of Fukusaya Co., Ltd.
Born in Rebun Island, Hokkaido.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law In 1957, while working as a secretary to a member of the House of Councilors of the Socialist Party, started a supermarket at Hakata Station and other areas.
In February 1976, established Hakata Station Food Co., Ltd.
The following year, in 1977, Fukusaya Co., Ltd. began full scale production and sales of karashi mentai.
In 1985, upon retirement of the member of the Congress, devoted himself to his current position.