
古代メソポタミア研究 ワークショップ開催のお知らせ


 11月10ー11日に「古代における女性の宗教的・経済的役割」("Women's Religious and Economic Roles in Antiquity" )を多摩キャンパス2号館4階の会議室1で行います。

“Women’s Religious and Economic Roles in Antiquity”

The 2nd Copenhagen-Chuo Workshop

Chuo University, Tama Campus, Building 2, Floor 4, Meeting room 1


Friday, November 10

14:50–15:00 Welcome

Session 1–Chair: Nicole Brisch

15:00–15:30 Yuko MATSUMOTO “Women’s History and Gender History from Ancient Times to Modern Times”

15:30–16:00 HUANG Haijing, “A New Study of the Buddhism Policy of Wu Zetian”

16:30–17:00 Carolina LOPEZ-RUIZ, “Traveling Goddesses: Ashtarte-Aphrodite and the Archaic Mediterranean Koiné

17:00– General Discussion

18:00– Welcome Party


Saturday, November 11

Session 2–Chair: Ada Cohen

10:00–10:30 Nozomu KAWAI, “The statues of Lioness Goddess at the Rock-Cut Chambers at Northwest Saqqara and Their Funerary Cult in the Middle Kingdom Egypt”

10:30–11:00 Keiko TAZAWA, “Beginning and End: Reconsideration of a role of God's Wife of Amun in ancient Egypt”

11:00–11:30 Coffee Break

Session 3–Chair: Keiko Tazawa

11:30–12:00 Nicole BRISCH “High Priestesses in Old Babylonian Nippur”

12:00–12:30 Ada TAGGAR-COHEN, “The Uniqueness of the Priestess Titled NIN.DINGIR in Hittite Texts in Light of Hittite Royal Ideology”

12:30–14:00 Lunch

Session 4–Chair: Nozomu Kawai

14:00–14:30 Fumi KARAHASHI, “Female Mašdarea-gift-Givers in Presargonic Lagaš”

14:30–15:00 Akiko TSUJITA, “Nisaba as a Grain Goddess”

15:00–15:30 Coffee Break

Session 5–Chair: Carolina López-Ruiz

15:30–16:00 Katsuji SANO, “The Roles of Foreign Royal and Noble Women with Dowries Presented to the Assyrian kings”

16:00–16:30 Yoko WATAI, “tba”

16:30– General Discussion

19:00– Dinner
