2019年3月8日開催 研究会開催報告 (アジアの環境と政策研究会)
2019年3月8日(木) 研究会を開催しました。
【テーマ】Regional identity and intergenerational resource conflict
【報告者】Klarizze Anne Martin Puzon 氏(大阪大学社会経済研究所)
【日 時】2019年3月8日(木)16:00~17:30
【場 所】2号館4階研究所会議室2
【要 旨】
We examine the impact of regional fragmentation and ethnicity on behavior in an intergenerational game of non-renewable resource extraction. The dynamic game has a new generation of players every period. It is characterized by shocks endogenously caused by players’ extraction decisions. After a given threshold, the common-pool resource suddenly drops to lower values. We present a two-player, framed field experiment on a sample of Fulani (ethnic majority group) and Malinke (minority group) participants in Guinea-Conakry, Sub-Saharan Africa. We frame instructions in the context of bauxite, the natural resource that Guinea’s economy is heavily dependent on. Our main treatment variable is the ethnically-inclined region of origin of the two players. Preliminary analysis of descriptive statistics suggest that regional fragmentation significantly affects the behavior of the majority group, the Fulani. Across time, Fulani tribal members tend to choose lower extraction rates, are less likely to deplete the resource, and thus implicitly more concerned of future generations. This is more prevalent when they are paired with a player of the same social identity as theirs.