2018年9月29日開催 公開研究会開催報告 (非線形経済理論研究会)
2018年 9月29日(土) 公開研究会を開催しました。
North-South Trade and Uneven Development
in a Classical Growth Model
佐々木 啓明 氏(京都大学 教授)
【日 時】 2018年9月29日(土)15:00~17:00
【場 所】 中央大学多摩キャンパス 2号館4階 研究所会議室2
【要 旨】
This study presents a two-country, two-good, two-factor growth model, and investigates the growth rates of two countries. We investigate the terms of trade and the growth rates of both countries under the assumption that the North specializes in investment goods while the South specializes in consumption goods. We close the model by fixing each country’s income distribution along the line of modern classical economics. In the first analysis, we assume that both countries already engage in free trade. In the second analysis, we consider the condition under which such a trade pattern holds, and compare equilibrium variables under autarky and equilibrium values under free trade.