『Industrial Renaissance: New Business Ideas for the Japanese Company』
39『Industrial Renaissance: New Business Ideas for the Japanese Company』
(Edited by Kappei Hidaka,2017年3月刊,243ページ,定価3,100円<税別>)
Preface | ||
Ⅰ | A Turning Point in the Automotive Business and the Japanese Market | Kappei Hidaka |
Ⅱ | Conditions for Sustainable Management: Traditional Succession and Risk Awareness | Yoshihiro Inoue |
Ⅲ | Value Creation through Co-creation: The Case of a Smart City | Nobuyuki Tokoro |
Ⅳ | Ecological Modernization of Business Management: The Innovation of Environmental Management for Changing into Sustainable Society | Masatoshi Yamada |
Ⅴ | How Japanese Paper Manufacturers Resolving Social Desire: Evaluating a Japanese Paper Manufacturer's Waste Paper Usage Condition | Youngin Son |
Ⅵ | Employment Management Reform and the Japanese Production System: The Experience of Japanese Manufacturers During the "Lost Decade″ | Kota Shimauchi |
Ⅶ | How Lexus Has Utilized Culture in the Japanese Market: Content and Discourse Analysis of its Brochures | Takeshi Seguchi |
Ⅷ | Hyundai Motor Company's Alliance with Ford Motor Company in the Founding Period | Hyunjung Jung |
Ⅸ | Multinational Enterprises' Global Supply Chain: Study of the Global Reporting Initiative and United Nations Global Compact | Kanako Negishi |