



フリガナ・漢字氏名 所属 国名 受入区分 受入期間 講演日 講演タイトル
Antonella Sorace 氏 Professor,University of Edinburgh イギリス・イタリア 訪問 2019年4月29日(月) 2019年4月29日(月) More than one language: myths, science, and implications for society
Andrew Bremner 氏 Reader, University of Birmingham イギリス 訪問 2019年6月3日(月) 2019年6月3日(月) The origins of body representations in perception and action in human infancy
魏 斌 氏 武漢大学歴史学院教授 中国 2群 2019年5月28日(火)~2019年6月17日(月) 2019年6月12日(水) 漢代における神祠の信仰形態――元氏漢碑再読
(On the Aspects of Shrine Worship in the Han Period: A Rereading of the Six Han Inscriptions in Yuanshi County 汉代神祠的信仰形态:重读六通元氏汉碑)
胡 耀飛 氏 陝西師範大学歴史文化学院副教授 中国 訪問 2019年7月24日(水) 2019年7月24日(水) 唐宋之際 「政治区」 的演進
呂 博 氏 武漢大学歴史学院副教授 中国 訪問 2019年7月24日(水) 2019年7月24日(水) 本命与降誕 : 唐代道教投龍簡再読
William Snyder 氏 Professor, University of
Connecticut, Department of Linguistics
アメリカ 訪問 2019年10月12日(土) 2019年10月19日(土) On Neurodevelopmental Timing, and the Acquisition of Passives and Causatives

Antonella Sorace 氏の講演会

場 所:多摩キャンパス3号館3階 3352号室 
講 師:Sorace Antonella 氏 (Professor,University of Edinburgh)
テーマ:More than one language: myths, science, and implications for society
企 画:研究会チーム「言語知識の獲得と使用」
Dr. Sorace provided an engaging presentation in which she separated various myths about bilingualism that continue exist around the world from the facts about bilingualism that have been demonstrated through scientific research. She began by showing just how common bilingualism is. Places where “everyone speaks the same language” are actually rather rare. She then explained the effects that acquiring more than one language has on the developing human brain, both during childhood and during adulthood, and demonstrated that brain changes are observed in a wide range of different specialized behaviors, such as simultaneous interpreters, musicians, or even London city taxi drivers.

She addressed a number of myths individually, including the myth that young children confuse languages when they are raised bilingually, that problems arise in school when the home language and the school language are different, and that some languages are more“useful” or worthy of maintaining proficiency after moving to a new country.

Dr. Sorace then led us through the development progress bilingual children experience, explaining various benefits of bilingualism for gaining literacy, social cognition, and cognitive control. She was adamant, however, in defending the claim that high levels of achievement in another language are not limited to those who begin in childhood. It is entirely possible for adult learners to become highly proficient users of their non-native language(s). The human brain, she explained, remains sufficiently flexible throughout the lifespan to permit all sorts of cognitive development at any age.

Nevertheless, the benefits of bilingualism turn out not to be automatic. This is mainly because “bilingualism”actually describes a continuum from nearly balanced bilingualism to significant difference in dominance between a bilingual's two languages. Where someone falls along the continuum is influenced by a wide range of factors, including the diversity of input that they are exposed to while acquiring the languages.

Dr. Sorace then presented a number of challenges that bilingual children face in increasingly diverse societies like the United Kingdom (and elsewhere). Many educational systems around the world tend to address immigrant children with different language backgrounds as “problems”rather than as resources that enrich the educational environment of all learners. She then laid out the role that“Bilingual Matters, ” an international project she directs from the University of Edinburgh, plays in making bilingualism research available and accessible to policy makers and the broader society.

Andrew Bremner 氏の講演会

場 所:多摩キャンパス3号館9階 3913号室
講 師:Andrew Bremner 氏 (Reader,University of Birmingham)
テーマ:The origins of body representations in perception and action in human infancy 
企 画:研究会チーム「視覚と認知の発達」
We still know relatively little about how human infants and children come to perceive their own bodies and the relationship between external events and the body. In the first part of this talk I will report on recent findings from my lab pertaining to how infants and young children come to be able to process the multisensory relationships which specify their own bodies and an embodied environment. I will focus particularly on the representation of touch on the body surface in external space, as well the layout of the body in external space. I will then go on to describe another programme of research investigating the development of an ability to tailor movements of the body to achieve specific goals in external space. These latter studies demonstrate   developmental trajectories in human infancy whereby the movements subserving purposeful actions become more specialised.

魏斌 氏の講演会

場 所:多摩キャンパス2号館4階 研究所会議室1
講 師:魏斌 氏 (武漢大学歴史学院教授)
企 画:共同研究チーム「世界史における「政治的なもの」」

胡耀飛 氏の講演会

場 所:多摩キャンパス2号館4階 研究所会議室1
講 師:胡耀飛 氏 (陝西師範大学歴史文化学院副教授)
企 画:研究会チーム「アフロ・ユーラシア大陸における都市と国家の歴史」
 胡氏の分析によれば、唐から宋にかけての行政区画の複雑な変遷を理解するには、個別の史料を整理して帰納的に分類する地道な作業が不可欠であると同時に、中国大陸の政治空間をいくつかに分類し、その空間分類にもとづいて行政区画の変遷を論じる仮設設定的な分析の両方が必要である。本講演は、胡氏の想定する仮設にもとづき、唐宋聞の藩鎮による地域割拠の状況が宋代にかけて集権的な空間編成に集約されていく過程を、わかりやすく整理・分析する内容だった。 出席者は、中国史研究の新星として華々しく活躍する胡耀飛先生の最新の研究成果に聞き入り、講演後は、活発に質疑 応答を交わした。
 安史の乱(755-63)後に展開した東アジアの新たな国際関係のもとで、中国大陸の既存の政治 ・経済 ・社会秩序は大きな変貌を余儀なくされることになった。本講演は、中国史の分水嶺ともいえる唐宋閒の時期の政治空間の変遷を系統的に分析しようとする胡氏の強い意志の感じられる内容だったといえる。

呂博 氏の講演会

場 所:多摩キャンパス2号館4階 研究所会議室1
講 師:呂博 氏 (武漢大学歴史学院副教授)
企 画: 研究会チーム「アフロ・ユーラシア大陸における都市と国家の歴史」
 呂博氏の講演は 、長年におよぶ中国中世(4世紀頃~10世紀頃)における呂氏自身の宗教史研究をふまえ、今回は、武則天 (皇帝在位690-705)と玄宗(皇帝在位712-756)の時期に焦点をしぼり、道教と中央政治のつながりを分析する内容だった。東アジアの国家と宗教の関係は、7世紀における唐朝や武則天の周朝の出現をもって新たな段階に入った。本講演は、武則天と玄宗が道教儀礼の際に神に投じた文章(投龍簡とうりゅうかん)を題材に、国家行政と民間信仰が結びつくことで政治の世俗化が進む8世紀の時代状況を分析する。中国史研究の次世代を担う若手研究者の一人である呂博先生の最新の研究成果である。胡耀飛先生の講演とあわせ、東アジア史研究の新たな鼓動を感じることができた。

William Snyder 氏の講演会

場 所:多摩キャンパス2号館4階 研究所会議室1
講 師:Snyder William 氏 (Professor,University of Connecticut at Storrs, Department of Linguistics )
テーマ:On Neurodevelopmental Timing, and the Acquisition of Passives and Causatives
企 画:研究会チーム「言語知識の獲得と使用」
Dr. Snyder shared a new line of research that he has recently embarked upon in which the formal understanding of language achieved through rigorous linguistic analysis and its set of theoretical tools is placed against methodological approaches to brain activity from neuroscience. Through a very careful account of subtle intuitions regarding grammatical structures that include English passives and causatives, he laid out an agenda for seeking converging evidence for theoretical proposals from empirical measures of the changing brains of children in the course of first language development.

Questions and comments were welcome during the lecture itself which led to a very productive environment for dialogue among those attending the lecture, which in turn gave the opportunity to benefit from Dr. Snyder’s expertise in helping everyone to truly engage with this exciting line of inquiry. In addition, his own interest in hearing insights on corresponding issues in second language development from specialists in the audience generated a fruitful and stimulating discussion.