


多摩キャンパス 2号館4階 研究所会議室2
多摩キャンパス 2号館4階 研究所会議室2

講 師:    嶋村 貢志 氏 (立命館大学講師)
テーマ:    「The Fiction of CP Recursion: On the Nature of
             Complementizers in Japanese」
要 旨:   I will reconsider the nature of complementizers in Japanese, viz. no, ka and to. Recently, Saito(2010) and his related works propose that no-ka-to materializes a recursive CP structure   la Rizzi(1997). However, notwithstanding this being promising at face value, I will contend that it is untenable. First, the locus of no as C is not empirically supported, hence no evidence that it constitutes a small CP structure such as FinP. Rather, I will claim that it is a formal noun (NP) that semantically selects events (vP/AspP) or proposition (TP/IP) (cf. Hara et al. 2013). For the reporting to, I will argue that it is also not a complementizer, proposing that it is an adjunct clitic in the sense of Aoyagi (1998), which adjoins and quotes various categories as mixed/subclausal quote” (Maier 2014), and its ostensible C-status is due to movement of to for Agree with grammaticalized SAY, a quote introducer that semantically selects a cartesian product
type (Potts 2007). I will show that postulating (c)overt SAY as part of the report system in Japanese puts this language in the crosslinguistic setting for its scrutiny (G ildemann 2008, Lord 1976 among many others).

講 師:   宮本 陽一 氏 (大阪大学准教授)
テ―マ:  On Quotes in Japanese (日本語の引用について)

要旨:In this talk, I address quotes in Japanese, focusing on the syntax of indirect quotes, which are not a complement of a verb of reporting. I show that the indirect quotes in question demonstrate characteristics of both arguments and adjuncts. In addition to typical VP constituency tests, the availability of extraction from within shows that they behave as an argument, whereas the unavailability of argument ellipsis suggests that they are like adjuncts. I suggest a possible direction to capture this variant of indirect quotes under the Minimalist framework.


