


Roberto Caldara(ロベルト カルダラ)氏(フライブルク大学教授)
テーマ:Mapping the impact of culture and race in face processing
要 旨:Human beings living in different geographical locations can be categorized by culture and race. The term culture is typically used to describe the particular behaviors and beliefs that characterize a social or ethnic group. Historically, it has long been presumed that across cultures, all humans perceive the world essentially in a comparable manner, viewing objects and attending to salient information in similar ways. Recently, however, our work and a growing body of literature have disputed this notion by highlighting fundamental differences in perception between people from Western and Eastern (China, Korea and Japan) cultures. Such perceptual biases occur even for the biologically relevant face recognition and the decoding of facial expressions of emotion tasks. This marked contrast obligated us to reconsider the very nature of perception and the forces that are responsible for shaping the way we see the world. However, much of the evidence has been so far provided by behavioral measures. Cultural neuroscience introduces a novel biological perspective to cross-cultural research by examining cultural variation in the brain, and its multilevel interactions between genes, behavior and the cultural environment. Isolating the precise contribution of biology and culture in forging different aspects of (neural) cognition represents a major challenge for scientists today, aiming ultimately to precisely assess the contribution of nature and nurture in human behavior.
Race is a universal, socially constructed concept used to categorize humans originating from different geographical locations by salient physiognomic variations (i.e., skin tone, eye shape, etc.). I will then present a series of studies showing a very early extraction of race information from faces and the impact of this visual categorization on face processing.
I will discuss in turn the role of those two factors shaping visual cognition, as well as integrate data from other experiments that feed these debated fields.
講演言語:英語  通訳:なし