

Effective Presentation for International Legal Practice 2019





日程:2019年11月9日(土) 9時30分~17時00分(途中休憩を含む) 








講師:Tami McGonigal
Rinzen Project (www. rinzenproject.com) 創立者, executive coach and trainer
Solicitor of English &Wales, Hong Kong.
International Coaching Federation Certified Coach
Durham University (BA).Nottingham Law School (Post Graduate Diploma in law and Certificate of Legal Practice).
ロンドンのソリシター養成校College of Law (now University of Law) Career coach and Senior Visiting Lecturer (business law and practice, Mergers and acquistions 等)。併せてClifford Chance London, Shanghai Hong Kong で勤務し、日本においては、GE International にて国際企業法務の業務に携わり、 2016年3月まで中央大学大学院法学研究)で比較契約法の講義を担当する他、上智大学法学部、上智大学法科大学院にても講義を担当(”International Business Transactions”, “Law and Society”)。






2019年10月11日(金)~10月18日(金) <10月18日(金)は17時までの受付となります。>






【Workshop summary】

As lawyers operating in an increasingly international and competitive legal market, technical knowledge of the law alone is not enough to be successful. You can do yourself and all your years of training and hard work a disservice simply because of poor communication and presentation skills.

Having the ability to speak effectively in public (be it face to face with your audience or even digitally) is crucial for any aspiring international lawyer’s personal and professional development.

Very few people including lawyers have a natural talent for effective presentation. If you find speaking in public difficult or intimidating, or if you are simply looking to develop further your skills (e.g. in the context of presenting know-how, conducting commercial negotiations, client pitches, internal meetings etc.), this programme is for you.

In this workshop, Tami Irokawa McGonigal, will share her knowledge gained from her first hand experience of international legal practice and working with Japanese lawyers to provide you with the tools and techniques you need to deliver effectively your message with maximum impact. Furthermore, through practical inter-active exercises, you will be able to practice developing your presentation skills and gain confidence in a fun, safe and non-judgmental environment.

In short, this course will help you show the best of yourself to others.

【Expected Learning Outcomes】

By the end of the workshop, participants should become more confident and have a greater understanding as to:

  • why effective presentation skills in English are such an important aspect of Japanese (and all) lawyers’ personal and professional development
  • what makes an effective presentation
  • what challenges Japanese lawyers face when delivering effective presentations in English (e.g. anxiety, language issues, limiting beliefs etc.), and how to overcome them
  • how to plan and prepare presentations to gain more credibility and respect, and to create a lasting impression
  • how to own the room and deliver presentations with more confidence and authenticity
  • how to build a greater rapport with and influence and persuade your audience
  • how to create greater impact through the use of persuasive language, voice, pacing, body language and visual aids
  • how to structure and deliver effective responses to questions