(English follows Japanese)
2023年11月30日、国際経営学部の専門科目「国際経済取引と法」(担当教員:本学部教授 国松麻季)において、株式会社阪急阪神エクスプレス グローバルセールス部担当課長の酒井将之様を多摩キャンパスFOREST GATEWAY CHUOにお招きし、講義とディスカッションを実施しました。
2021年 阪急阪神エクスプレスのインターンシップに国際経営学部生7名が参加
2023年9月 阪急阪神エクスプレスにて夏の学部推奨インターンシップを実施
2023年10月 国際経営学部の専門演習Ⅴ(担当教員:本学部教授 木村剛)において、株式会社 阪急阪神エクスプレスの長浜吏紅氏他6名の第1期卒業生をお招きし、特別講義とディスカッションを実施

阪急阪神エクスプレス 酒井将之様

On 30 November 2023, in the specialized course "International Economic Transactions and Law" (Professor Maki Kunimatsu) of the Faculty of Global Management, Mr. Masayuki Sakai, Manager of the Global Sales Division of Hankyu Hanshin Express Co., Ltd. was invited to the FOREST GATEWAY CHUO, Tama Campus to give a lecture and hold discussions.
In this course, students study the rules governing the movement of goods, funds, human resources and information (data) across borders, which are necessary for global business. Students interested in global management are highly interested in deepening their understanding of the day-to-day practices on the ground where the rules are applied.
The guest speaker, Manager Masayuki Sakai, has been stationed in Hong Kong and China, and now provides global logistics services to customers using a network of shipping, air and land transport at the Tokyo head office. In his lecture, based on his experience and duties, he gave a realistic explanation of his daily work as an expatriate, what he felt in the field and the impact of the global situation on global logistics, from the frontline of global business. He also gave advice on the importance of student experience.
During the lively discussion that followed the lecture, students asked a wide range of questions, such as how to gather information in an industry closely related to global affairs, and the difficulties they faced and overcame when they wanted to work abroad.
The lecture was concluded by Mr. Genki Fujima from the General Affairs and Personnel Department of Hankyu Hanshin Express, who gave advice and words of support to the undergraduates in their search for a career.
The Faculty of Global Management has received various forms of cooperation from Hankyu Hanshin Express, including the acceptance of the faculty’s recommended internship program (20 students in total since FY2021) and company visits by first and second year students, more graduates are expected to join in 2024.
The Faculty of Global Management will continue to promote cooperation with global companies and provide opportunities for dialogue with experts who are active on the frontlines of business, to develop global leaders.
[Reference] Related activities in the past (excerpts)
September 2023 Summer undergraduate recommended internship at Hankyu Hanshin Express.