国際経営学部Global Studies (GS) 短期留学プログラム ワシントDC インターンシッププログラム

In front of the Capitol
English follows Japanese
国際経営学部ではGlobal Studies(グローバルスタディーズ、通称:GS)という海外短期留学プログラムを実施しております。2023年の夏にワシントンDCにインターンシッププログラムの様子をお届けします。
In the National Air and Space Museum
カレッジオブスタテンアイランドニューヨーク市立大学 7月30日~8月21日
カリフォルニア州立大学イーストベイ 8月9日~9月1日
カリフォルニア州立大学イーストベイ、オンラインプログラム 8月15日~9月1日
ミネソタ州立大学マンケート校 8月21日~9月8日
ワシントンDC インターンシッププログラム 8月28日~9月15日
d.c. central kitchen - volunteer activities
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

Volunteering at Martha's Table

Visiting the World Bank
With local students at the university
Faculty of Global Management offers a Global Studies course (known as GS), which is a short-term study abroad program. We bring you memories of students who participated in the internship program in Washington DC in the summer 2023.
In addition to language training, the 3-week program in Washington DC includes various learning opportunities such as visiting international organizations, like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Asian Development Bank. Students were listening to lectures given by representatives of each organization. Students were exposed to new mindsets, information, and new perspectives. Furthermore, students visited American University and George Washington University, where they could exchange their experiences with local students.

Cooking is always a good idea to spend time with friends!
Apart from that, during the program, students participated in volunteer activities, as well. Through volunteer work, students could learn about NPO activities, and social issues in the US.
While being in Washington, students visited iconic places like the White House and the United States Capitol Building and gained unforgettable memories and experiences.
The Faculty of International Management will continue to strive to provide students with opportunities for specialized learning and practical experience.
Programs held in Summer 2023:
College of Staten Island, The City University of New York, July 30 – August 21
California State University, East Bay, August 9 – September 1
California State University, East Bay, online program, August 15 – September 1
Minnesota State University, Mankato, August 21 – September 8
Washington D.C. Internship Program, August 28 – September 15