国際経営学部Global Studies (GS) 短期留学レポート カリフォルニア州立大学イーストベイ校

At Golden Gate Bridge
English follows Japanese:
国際経営学部ではGlobal Studies(グローバルスタディーズ、通称:GS)という海外短期留学プログラムを実施しております。カリフォルニア州での3週間のホームステイと研修の経験と思い出を皆さんとシェアします!
カリフォルニアに滞在している間、学生たちはサンフランシスコも訪れ、ゴールデンゲートブリッジ等の象徴的なスポットを訪れました。 さらに、GSプログラムは、シリコンバレーの企業の方にお話しを伺う機会もあり、グローバル人材に必要な素養について学んできました。イーストベイに行った学生は、プログラムを通じて貴重な経験を積んで、異文化理解を深めることができたようです。
ワシントンDC インターンシッププログラム(米)8月28日~9月15日

Wandering around CSUEB campus

Pier39 in San Francisco
Faculty of Global Management offers a Global Studies course, which is a short-term study abroad program. We are sharing memories, and experiences from their homestay and 3-week program in California!
Students were brushing their English skills and learning about the business culture of Silicon Valley by taking classes at California State University, East Bay. They had chances to interact with local and international students from other countries.
When staying in California, students went on a trip to San Francisco, where they visited some iconic spots such as the Golden Gate Bridge. More than that, participating in the Global Studies program includes a great opportunity to visit Silicon Valley workplaces and listen to representatives of companies. Students who went to East Bay were exposed to different experiences and could enhance their intercultural understanding.
The faculty of Global Management will continue to provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge in specialized areas, as well as give students chances to gain practical experience.

In front of Google

Listening to lecture at NTT Communications

East Bay! East Bay! East Bay!
Programs held in Summer 2023:
College of Staten Island, The City University of New York, July 30 – August 21
California State University, East Bay, August 9 – September 1
California State University, East Bay, online program, August 15 – September 1
Minnesota State University, Mankato, August 21 – September 8
Washington D.C. Internship Program, August 28 – September 15

Time to say goodbye: before last dinner with host family