
【国際経営学部】入門演習(秋学期)において学年をまたいだ交流会を行いました/[Faculty of Global Management] Cross-Year Interaction in the Introductory Seminar (Fall Semester)




The Faculty of Global Management welcomed its sixth cohort of fall semester students this September. In the Introductory Seminar (instructor: Professor Maki Kunimatsu), a special interactive session was held on November 14, bringing together ten students from various academic years, ranging from second-year undergraduates to second-year master’s students.

The participants represented diverse nationalities, including China, South Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, Singapore, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and Japan. The discussion covered topics such as university life, coursework, part-time jobs, and future career paths. While the session provided valuable insights for the new students, it also served as a meaningful opportunity for senior students to reflect on their own academic journeys.

The Faculty of Global Management remains committed to fostering an environment that nurtures cross-cultural understanding and effective communication skills.