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出身高校 Perak Girls School (Malaysia)
所属サークルや課外活動等 I want to try kickboxing on my future.
趣味・特技 Singing

Welcome 2nd 実行に至った経緯

Welcome 2nd remain a group to support the first year student. Especially during this hard time, we believe many students have any questions about the class or the conduction while having an online class. So because of solving the problem of the year one student, we decided to establish a group to support the year one student.

Welcome 2ndを実行する上での苦労、工夫した点

I think one of the most extensive works is we need to conclude what represents the theme for next event. Everyone has a different opinion and suggestion, sometimes it needs a long time to do the discussion and find a better way. And of course, before we need to do the live questions section, some students might not be answering or asking any questions. I think that’s the hardest part too. Besides, the people who take part in our event are rarely than before, and that caused some disappointment for us too. But because I acquire absolutely capable members, everything can be resolved at the same time. I feel so appreciative for my members in Welcome 2nd because they help me a lot at every situation, I just want to say thank you and it is a really good experience for me.


The image of leadership for me represents a leader can assist the whole team to achieve the ultimate goal. Leadership is essential for an organization is because we need someone who can be providing us the exact direction and perform the work easier and faster. Therefore, leadership for me is effectively achieving a goal.


After graduation at this university, I will continue my study in Japan too. I will continue my field study more deeply. Therefore, I had decided I will pursue my study to go to graduate school. Besides, because I am a foreign student, I wish to become someone who can talk about my studying abroad experiences and encourage the young generation nowadays.


First, the part that has grown up in this one year and a half, I think is my thinking ability. After you get into the university, many things you have thought by our brain, and of course, you need to be rational while you decide to anything. Especially the class we contained in faculty global management, the thing we had to learn is exactly what students need to learn if you want to be active at overseas business or others. Chiefly in corporate management, I know that whatever we endure encounter we need to analyze the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) while you start over something.


From my point of view, I hope Global Management becomes a faculty that become more international. As we know, our faculty is a global management, is all about global. I hope our faculty could Cultivate many young people active in overseas. Just like our faculty guidelines, become a people who can have a skill in more diversity and having a huge interest in global.