
国際経営学部 2024年度Global Studies (GS) 短期留学レポート カリフォルニア州立大学イーストベイ校


国際経営学部が提供する短期留学プログラム、Global Studiesがこの夏もスタートしました。学生たちには、米国で多様な背景をもつ人々と交流し、異文化を体験するまたとない機会が待っています。



  1. カレッジオブスタテンアイランドニューヨーク市立大学(米)8月1日~8月25日
  2. カリフォルニア州立大学イーストベイ(米) 8月19日~9月7日
  3. ミネソタ州立大学マンケート校(米) 8月24日~9月15日
  4. ワシントンDC インターンシッププログラム(米) 8月25日~9月15日






Global Studies, a short-term study abroad program offered by GLOMAC, has started again this summer. Students have an amazing opportunity to experience different cultures by interacting with people of various backgrounds in United States!

Programs in Summer 2024:

  1. College of Staten Island, The City University of New York (USA) August 1 – August 25
  2. California State University, East Bay (USA) August 19 – September 7
  3. Minnesota State University, Mankato (USA) August 24 – September 15
  4. Washington D.C. Internship Program (USA) August 25 – September 15


Almost 50 students departed to California, and here we are to share the experiences of students who are during their program at California State University, East Bay (CSUEB).
After arriving in California, they met their host families, who welcomed our students warmly and invited them to their houses.

At university, students are exploring academic areas of English language and working in groups to develop language skills. Not only language are they learning, but also, they attended a lecture on innovation or business model.

Visiting California gave students a chance to visit some of the widely known spots, such as the Golden Gate Bridge.

The Faculty of Global Management will continue to provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge in specialized areas, as well as give students chances to gain practical experience.