2021年度 国際経営学部の授業実施方針等について/Basic Policy for Classes of the Faculty of Global Management in the 2021 Academic Year
国際経営学部長 河合 久
2021年度 国際経営学部の授業実施方針等について
中央大学では、オンライン授業を①双方向型 ②動画配信型 ③資料配布型 ④自習中心型 に分けています。2020年度のオンラインによる授業実施の経験を活かし、授業の特性にあった実施方法により効果的な授業を行うことや、学生同士や教員とのコミュニケーションの機会を増やすように努めていきます。
国際経営学部における短期留学プログラム「Global StudiesⅠ」や「インターンシップ(海外派遣を伴うもの)」は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の状況を見極め、3月初旬頃を目途に方針を決定し、お知らせいたします。
※入学予定者の皆さまには、中央大学受験生向けのConnect WebやUCAROを通じてご案内いたします。
国際経営学部では、学生全員が自身のPCを持参して学ぶBYOD(Bring your own device)方式を取り入れています。授業を受講するだけでなく、課題レポートの作成やプレゼンテーション資料作成・発表、プログラミング言語習得等のため、自身のPCを持っていることが必須となりますので、ご用意くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
中央大学公式HPにてお知らせしておりますが、3月28日(日)に2020年度入学生への歓迎・激励セレモニーの実施、4月2日(金)に2021年度入学式を実施いたします。その他、2021年度に関するガイダンスやオリエンテーションの実施スケジュールについては、授業支援システム”manaba”や中央大学受験生向けサイト”Connect Web”やUCAROを通じて適宜ご案内いたします。
*1 オンライン授業とは、遠隔授業と同義で、Webex(オンライン会議システム)等を用いたリアルタイムでの双方向型授業や、講義資料(ビデオ、音声付きスライド等を含む)や教科書等を提示するオンデマンド型の授業の総称です。
*2 対面授業とは、面接授業と同義で、従来の大学の教室に集合して行う授業です。
*3 ハイブリッド型授業とは、上記のオンライン授業と対面授業を組み合わせた授業形態を指し、例えば、対面授業をやりながら同時にWebex等を用いたリアルタイムでの授業を行う形や、対面授業の様子を記録し、その録画データを後から見て学ぶ形などです。
Feb. 5, 2021
To all students and parents of the Faculty of Global Management:
Hisashi Kawai
Dean, Faculty of Global Management
Chuo University
Basic Policy for Classes of the Faculty of Global Management in the 2021 Academic Year
We are about to finish the 2020 academic year with no end in sight for COVID-19. I would like to express my sincere condolences to all of the current students who have been unable to enjoy the campus life they had hoped for and their parents, as most of the courses were offered online and extracurricular activities have been restricted.
Since the start of the fall semester in late September, the Faculty of Global Management has created opportunities for students to come to the university and study with their friends by opening study rooms where they can take online classes,*1 and offering small-group courses such as seminars, and group learning through extracurricular activities such as “company visits”. It was a great opportunity for us, the faculty, and staff, to consider the significance of university education, as we saw how the students were working hard at their studies without giving in to various difficulties and worries. Although we expect that the situation will continue to limit our ability to conduct our classes as we should, we will make use of our experiences and the opinions of our students to devise and improve our class management and strive to increase the educational effectiveness as much as possible.
I would like to announce that the Faculty of Global Management has established a basic policy for classes in the 2021 academic year, based on the policies for classes and various activities in the 2021 academic year presented by the President of Chuo University on December 22, 2020 and February 1, 2021.
1.We aim to increase the percentage of face-to-face classes*2 to at least 50 percent of the total classes, by taking safety measures against COVID-19, such as to avoid the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings).
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all courses in the 2020 spring semester were offered only online, and many courses in the 2020 fall semester were also offered online, with the exception of some seminars. While our decision was an inevitable one as a response to the COVID-19 virus, it also meant that we could not adequately protect the important campus life of our students. Therefore, in the 2021 academic year, we will arrange classrooms so that the number of students enrolled in each course is less than half of the classroom capacity. Also, in addition to taking measures such as temperature inspection, ventilation, and disinfection, we will increase the percentage of face-to-face classes as much as possible and strive to make face-to-face classes account for at least 50% of all courses offered.
Even in the case of offering face-to-face classes, in consideration of students who have concerns about commuting to school or students who live in remote areas (mainly international students who cannot travel to Japan), we will ensure learning opportunities for them by offering hybrid*3 classes. This is a combination of face-to-face instruction with real-time online classes, distribution of lecture materials, and delivery of on-demand class videos.
2.Policy for classes for each course is as follows:
1)Seminars, experiments, practical trainings and skills practice
In principle, hybrid classes combining face-to-face and online classes will be offered.
It is the policy of the Faculty of Global Management to increase the percentage of face-to-face classes, so in principle, the above courses will be offered in hybrid format. However, this may not always be possible due to the content of the course or the health of the instructor, but we will ensure that there are opportunities for students to come to the campus and for students to learn together.
2)Foreign language courses and small-group courses, such as lecture courses with a small number of students
Face-to-face classes and hybrid classes will be increased, taking into consideration the characteristics of each course and the health of the instructor.
As in 1) above, based on our policy of increasing the percentage of face-to-face classes, we will strive to increase opportunities for students to visit our campus and to learn together with other students.
3)Lecture courses with a large number of students
If the number of students enrolled in the course is less than half the capacity of the classroom and face-to-face instruction is desirable, face-to-face class or hybrid class may be conducted after taking sufficient measures to prevent infection in the classroom.
Examples of courses in which face-to-face instruction is desirable include those in which group work, discussion, and group presentations are conducted in the classroom, as well as those in which face-to-face instruction is more effective, such as courses in which special lecturers from outside are invited.
3.Online classes will be offered in a combination of real-time interactive classes and on-demand classes (video delivery class, material distribution class, and self-directed learning class) that are not restricted by time schedules, depending on the characteristics of each course.
Chuo University categorizes its online classes into (1) interactive class (2) video delivery class, (3) material distribution class, and (4) self-directed learning class. Utilizing the experience of conducting classes online in the 2020 academic year, we will strive to make courses more effective by using the type of a class that best suits the characteristics of each course and to increase opportunities for students to communicate with each other and with instructors.
4.For courses involving overseas travel, we will announce our policy separately.
We will make a decision on the implementation of the short-term study abroad program “Global Studies I” and “Internships (which involve overseas travel)” of the Faculty of Global Management around the beginning of March, based on the situation of the COVID-19 infection.
The above is the basic policy for classes of the Faculty of Global Management for the 2021 academic year. However, in implementing this policy, we would like to ask for your understanding of the following points.
<Points to Note>
1.Possibility of reviewing the policy based on the infection situation of COVID-19
The declaration of a state of emergency from January 7 to February 7 has been extended, and there has been no significant improvement in the infection situation in Tokyo. If this situation is prolonged, or if the infection spreads and the situation becomes more serious, the above policy may be reviewed. If such a situation should arise, we will inform you as soon as possible, so please keep an eye out for information from the university and the Faculty of Global Management. Announcements from the university will be posted on the Chuo University official website, and announcements from the Faculty of Global Management will be posted mainly through the learning management system, "manaba”.
*Information for prospective students will be provided through “Connect Web” and “UCARO” for prospective students.
2.Ensuring the safety of all students
In response to COVID-19 infection, Chuo University has placed the highest priority on ensuring the safety and health of our students and has taken safety measures such as checking the temperature of students with a thermal imaging camera at the entrance and disinfecting classrooms and eating areas to ensure the safe use of our facilities.
We will conduct classes in accordance with the policy described above, however, students may have their own circumstances (e.g., they have an underlying disease, they live with a family member who is at high risk of severe infection, etc.), and they may have fever or other health conditions that are suspected to be infectious. In such cases, we ask that you refrain from attending the face-to-face classes. If you are unable to attend a face-to-face class, we will still provide you with the opportunity to learn online through hybrid classes.
3.Digital communication environment necessary to support online classes
The Faculty of Global Management has a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) policy which allows all students to bring in their own devices for educational use. In addition to attending classes, students will have the opportunity to write reports, create and deliver presentation materials, and learn programming languages. Therefore, it is necessary for students to have their own devices that they can use at any time for such purposes. Please have your device ready before your enrollment date.
We would also like to ask for your cooperation in maintaining your own personal computer or laptop as well as a stable network environment (Wi-Fi, etc.) at home, as you will continue to have the opportunity to take classes at home in the 2021 academic year. The facilities available to students of the Faculty of Global Management are equipped with a Wi-Fi environment, so if you have concerns about the network environment at home, or if you share a room with a family member and have limited access to Wi-Fi during the day, you can also use the study room of the Faculty of Global Management at the Tama Campus, except under conditions that require particularly severe entry restrictions.
4.Guidance and orientation for the new academic year
As announced on the Chuo University website, a welcome and encouragement ceremony for students enrolling in 2021 will be held on Sunday, March 28, and the entrance ceremony for the 2021 academic year will be held on Friday, April 2. In addition, the schedule for guidance and orientation for the academic year 2021 will be announced through the learning management system, "manaba," the Chuo University website for prospective students, "Connect Web " and “UCARO”.
As the spring vacation is about to begin, I would like to ask all students and their families to please pay close attention to the latest information from the government and administration regarding COVID-19 and take care of your health. The faculty and staff of the Faculty of Global Management look forward to welcoming the new academic year in good health with all of our students.
*1 Online classes are synonymous with distance classes, and are a generic term for real-time interactive classes using Webex (online conferencing platform) and on-demand classes where lecture materials (including video and slides with sound) and textbooks are presented.
*2 Face-to-face classes are traditional on-campus classroom instruction where students and instructors meet in the same physical location.
*3 Hybrid classes are a combination of the online and face-to-face instruction. For example, students participate in a face-to-face class while simultaneously receiving real-time instruction via Webex etc., or they watch and learn from the recorded face-to-face class later.