
国際経営学部 GSI短期留学レポート  ⑤: 南台科技大学


台湾の南に位置する台南市にある南台科技大学参加学生から、現地終了時の様子を知らせてもらいました。 学生からの声では、「現地の人たちはとても温かい」、「英語担当の先生の授業がとても楽しかった」や中国語授業の提供もあったことから、「中国語をさらに向上させたい」という声が多くありました。


GLOMAC GSI Short-term Study Abroad Program ⑤ : Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST)

We heard from students who were participating in the study abroad program at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST) in Tainan. There were comments from students such as “People here are so lovely and welcoming,” “English class was so engaging” and “As I participated in a Chinese class, I have been inspired to improve my Chinese.”

As there was also a group of students from France studying there, it seems that there were opportunities for Taiwanese, French, and Japanese (Chuo) students to have a conversation in English together, which they thought was an amazing experience.