京都産業大学で開催されたPan SIG2023において、国際情報学部 教授の斎藤裕紀恵がPlenary SpeakerとしてExploring the Potential of Metaverse and ChatGPT in English Language Teaching and Learningのタイトルで招待講演を行いました。
Pan SIGは全国各地から高等教育機関で教える多くの英語教員や研究者が集まる学会です。メタバースと生成AIの利活用例、およびこれらを統合した利活用例に関して、参加者から多くの関心が寄せられ、将来の研究への示唆を得られたとの多くの感想が寄せられました。
Metaverse and ChatGPT are two popular technology-related keywords that have been widely discussed. Despite the potential negative aspects of these innovations, students currently learning English are expected to be proficient in the latest technology for their future careers. It will be valuable for students if we teach them English and help them become familiar with the latest technology and understand its benefits and limitations. I will discuss how Metaverse and ChatGPT can enhance and enrich English teaching and learning. In the first part of the talk, I will share my experience of using Virtual Reality (VR) as one example of Metaverse in several VR projects. By reflecting on the projects, the possibility of integrating VR into English teaching and learning will be discussed, considering the characteristics of VR, such as immersive, interactive, and cooperative language learning. In the latter part of the talk, I will provide some suggestions for using ChatGPT to teach English listening and speaking, such as creating pragmatically appropriate dialogues with ChatGPT. While concerns have been raised about ChatGPT potentially stifling students' critical thinking skills, the presentation will provide implications of how the latest technology can facilitate higher-order thinking skills aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy.