国際情報学部の斎藤ゼミの藤原華音さん(4年)と丹羽巧さん(4年)が、京都産業大学で開催されたPan SIG2023において、論文「Possibility of Teaching Young Learners English with VR」を発表しました。
斎藤ゼミでは、EdTech(Education & Technology)を研究テーマに掲げており、第2言語習得理論と応用言語学の視点から、英語教育へのテクノロジーの活用について研究を進めています。
Pan SIGは全国各地から高等教育機関で教える多くの英語教員や研究者が集まる学会です。
Though many users still experience sickness in using HMDs for VR (Saredakis, 2020) and children who are younger than 13 years old are not supposed to use HMDs such as Quest 2, potential benefits of using VR for foreign language learning, such as lowering foreign language anxiety (York et al., 2021), speaking performance (Thrasher, 2022), and long-term memory retention (Scrivner et al., 2019) may indicate that VR can be used for young English learners. In this study, to investigate whether young English learners can enjoy learning English with the PC version of VR and whether VR English lessons can improve their speaking skills, VR English lessons using a VR platform, Immerse, were offered to four young English learners. They also took a pre-speaking test before the VR lessons and a post-speaking test after the VR lessons. Although no improvement in speaking was observed, the learners could enjoy the VR English lessons with their PCs. Based on the results, the possibility and limitations of teaching English to young English learners using the PC version of VR will be discussed, and pedagogical implications about how VR English lessons can be offered even to young English learners will be provided.