国際情報学部の飯尾ゼミの学生が、ポルトガルのリスボンで開催されたe-Society 2023において、論文を発表しました。
タイトル:Emotional Evaluation of Movie Posters
概要:This study examines the impressions that movie posters give people and analyzes movie poster trends. The primary objective was to determine whether movie posters have any characteristics, which was done through clustering using arousal–valence maps. Thereafter, we tried to determine whether these characteristics are related to other indicators, such as box office revenue and audience satisfaction. A prototype of the proposed emotion evaluation system to conduct the survey was implemented, and an its overview and functions were elucidated. The system randomly displayed 6 movie posters from a list of 100 poster images prepared in advance. A small case study was conducted wherein participants were asked to rate each poster, and their ratings were saved. The evaluation values were analyzed, and several findings were obtained.