
総合政策学部 契約講師 キャサリン・デイルの共著『Orienting Feminism: Media, Activism and Cultural Representation』が刊行されました


総合政策学部 契約講師 キャサリン・デイルの専門は、文化研究、文学理論です。




【タイトル】Orienting Feminism:

      Media, Activism and Cultural Representation

【著者】  Catherine Dale, Rosemary Overell
【出版社】 Palgrave Macmillan

【ISBN】  978-3319706597



【概 要】This edited collection explores the meaning of feminism in the contemporary moment, which is constituted primarily by action but also uncertainty. The book focuses on feminist modes of activism, as well as media and cultural representation to ask questions about organising, representing and articulating feminist politics. In particular it tackles the intersections between media technologies and gendered identities, with contributions that cover topics such as twerking, trigger warnings, and trans identities. This volume directly addresses topical issues in feminism and is a valuable asset to scholars of gender, media and sexuality studies.(出版社ウェブサイトより転記) 

