- 中央大学のSDGsへの取り組み
- 人権問題講演会『手話で感じる世界』の開催
- SDGs目標
- カテゴリ
2023年11月11日(土)に、人権意識啓発を目的として、中央大学主催人権問題講演会「手話で感じる世界」を開催した。本講演会は「バリアってなんだろう?」をテーマに行った2023年度の「中央大学ダイバーシティ推進×ハラスメント防止啓発ウィーク(Chuo Diversity Week)」の企画のひとつとして実施した。
講師の佐沢静枝氏は、2023年12月にドラマ化された「デフ・ヴォイス 法廷の手話通訳士」の書籍からも引用しながら、ろう・コーダ*・手話通訳の問題を取り上げ、参加者が「共生社会」について考える機会となった。手話通訳・文字通訳等の情報保障もおこなったことで、本学の学生・附属高校生や教職員に加え、学外からもさまざまな多くの方が参加された(事前申し込み108名、スタッフ・当日参加者を含めた参加101名)。
また講演会では、本学学生9名がダイバーシティセンターの職員やコーディネーターと共に運営スタッフとして参加し、文字通訳・受付・誘導等を担当した。日本手話での講演の参加は初めてという学生がほとんどで、2023年度にダイバーシティセンターが開催した「手話っと交流会」や「デフ・ヴォイス 法廷の手話通訳士」のイベントとも関連し、参加学生の学びに繋がった。
*コーダ(CODA, Children of Deaf Adults):ろう者・難聴者の親をもつ聞こえる子ども。
【Theme of the initiative】Lecture on human rights issues, "The World as Seen through Sign
Language"(Chuo University Diversity Center)
Year of implementation
Overview of initiatives, significance, and results
On Saturday, November 11, 2023, Chuo University hosted a lecture on human rights issues, "The World as Seen through Sign Language," to raise human rights awareness. This lecture was given as a part of the projects of the AY2023 “Chuo University Diversity Promotion x Harassment Prevention and Awareness Week (Chuo Diversity Week)” held under the theme of "What is a Barrier?"
Lecturer Shizue Sazawa addressed the issues of Deaf, Coda*, and sign language interpreting, drawing from the book Deaf Voice: Hotei no Shuwa Tsuyakushi (Sign Language Interpreters in Court) which was dramatized in December 2023, providing an opportunity for participants to think about a "symbiotic society. As the lecture provided information assurance by conducting sign language interpreting and text interpretation, many audiences both inside and outside Chuo University such as enrolled students, affiliated high school students, and faculty members attended the event (pre-registered 108 participants and 101 participants including staff and those registered on the day of the event).
Furthermore, nine students from Chuo University participated in the lecture as operational staff together with the Diversity Center staff and coordinators. They were in charge of text interpretation, reception, and guidance. Most of the students had never attended a lecture in Japanese Sign Language before, so the event served as a good learning opportunity for them in relation to the FY2023 events organized by the Diversity Center, the "Shuwatto Kouryu-kai (Sign Language Exchange)" and "Deaf Voice: Hotei no Shuwa Tsuyakusha."
*CODA, Children of Deaf Adults: Hearing children with Deaf or hard-of-hearing parents.