1. 中央大学SDGs宣言



 学校法人中央大学は、持続可能な開発目標”Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”の理念に賛同し、社会の持続的かつ公正な発展に寄与するために、真摯な取り組みを行うことを宣言します。

 社会の持続的かつ公正な発展に寄与することは、本学が担う教育研究にとって極めて重要な課題です。これまでの開発の在り方が世界的な富・所得の偏在や格差、環境破壊等の要因となってきたことに、 私たちは真摯に向き合い、未来に向けて行動する責任を負っていると考えます。
 国際連合は、2015年に持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)を設定しました。これは、2030年までに持続可能でよりよい世界を目指す国際目標であり、全世界が直面している解決すべき17の目標と169のターゲット、更に232の指標から構成されています。その理念は、「inclusion(包摂)」と「no one left behind (誰一人取り残さない)」です。

 最後に、学校法人中央大学は、上の4つの取り組みが、本法人に関わる多くの方々の御協力があってはじめて可能となることを深く自覚しています。そこで、私たちは、すべての関係の皆さまに向けて、私たちと共に、「inclusion(包摂)」と「no one left behind (誰一人取り残さない)」という理念の下、SDGsの達成に積極的に取り組んでいただくことを呼びかけます。

December 07, 2020
Chuo University

Engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals at Chuo University

Chuo University supports the ideas represented by the Sustainable Development Goals and declares that it will engage fully in activities to contribute to the sustainable and fair/equitable development of society.

Chuo University has chosen 'Fostering the Ability to Apply Knowledge to Practice' as its founding principle and has, since its establishment in 1885, fostered a tradition of evidence-based approaches to solving real-world problems. The academic institution Chuo University encompasses a university with eight faculties, two professional graduate schools and nine graduate schools, and in addition four high schools and two junior high schools. Through these connected parts, it conducts research in a wide range of fields and maintains varied educational programs

Contributing to the sustainable and equitable development of society is a mission of the utmost importance for research and education at Chuo University. We acknowledge that the type of development that has taken place at a global scale has led to inequity in income and to gaps in economic wealth as well as to environmental destruction. We believe that we have the responsibility to act now in order to ensure that a sustainable future can be built.

The United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. They comprise 17 goals which are subdivided into 169 targets and are measured using a total of 232 indicators. By pursuing these goals, global human society strives to solve the problems it faces and to achieve a sustainable world by 2030. Core concepts of this approach are 'inclusion' and 'no one left behind'.

Taking into account these aspects, Chuo University takes action according to the following four guidelines in order to contribute to the sustainable and equitable development of society.

Firstly, among all the SDGs Chuo University promotes in particular SDG 4 'ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all' as a priority for all faculties and schools within its organization. All parts of the organization will pursue SDG 4 in concordance with the full set of Sustainable Development Goals.

Taking advantage of the particular strengths of an integrated academic institution, with programs linking high school and university level education, we will further promote education about human rights, gender and sexuality.

Secondly, being aware of the importance of taking the expert knowledge harboured by Chuo University and applying it to the SDGs, we will encourage research that focuses on the SDGs and supports them from various directions.

Thirdly, as an organization that is embedded in society at large, Chuo University pledges to take environmental aspects into consideration as part of all decision-making processes and activities, establishing compatibility with the SDGs as a fundamental standard. The management of human resources, the establishment and maintenance of facilities, and all aspects of consumption of goods and energy shall be checked for compliance with the SDGs, establishing a system for continuous assessment and improvement. In addition, the university will also call on its suppliers and contractors to evaluate their own activities with regard to the SDGs.

Fourthly, we will work with individuals and institutions that also engage in activities related to the SDGs. By connecting our students, pupils and staff with family members, graduates, local communities, businesses, government offices and international partners, we will fulfill our commitment to society through assessment, evaluation and outreach.

Finally, we are aware that succeeding in the four areas of engagement listed above depends greatly on collaboration with the many individuals who are involved with the activities of Chuo University. We therefore call on everybody to join us in our efforts and to actively promote the guiding principles of 'inclusion' and 'no one left behind'.