- 中央大学のSDGsへの取り組み
- 安心安全な生活環境整備と省エネルギー化
- SDGs目標
- カテゴリ
【取り組みのテーマ】安心安全な生活環境整備と省エネルギー化(管財部調達課 矢﨑 遼)
【Theme of the initiative】Improvement of safe and secure living environment and energy
conservation(YAZAKI Ryo, Administrative Staff, Procurement Section of Property Office)
Year of implementation
Overview of initiatives, significance, and results
Chuo University has environment-friendly in mind when renewing or newly constructing equipment; for example, choosing types of equipment that are less of an environmental burden, installing highly water-efficient and power-generating type controllers for bidets, and replacing outside lights with LED, etc. In the AY2023, we worked on the following two points in particular, both from the perspective of improving a safe and secure living environment for users and environmentally friendly maintenance.
First, the air conditioners in 82 rooms of the student dormitory, where approximately 200 students live, were renewed. This is a two-year plan covering all 139 rooms in the dormitory, and 57 units are scheduled to be renewed in FY2024. By reducing the risk of breakdowns under an environment of continuous extreme heat, students can reside in a healthy and safe environment and engage in their studies with peace of mind. In addition, the new air conditioner is of the variable capacity type, which automatically changes its capacity depending on the outside temperature, and is expected to reduce power consumption by approximately 40% compared to the old equipment, thereby saving energy.
Next, some lighting in the stairways and corridors on the Tama Campus was replaced with LED lighting. First, we identified areas that were particularly dark and replaced them with LED lights on a priority basis, thereby creating an environment where users can pass through safely and at ease. In addition, the replacement with LED lighting will reduce power consumption by approximately 50% compared to conventional lighting fixtures so it can be expected to save energy.
In the next fiscal year and beyond, we will continue our efforts to improve both the living environment for users and the environment.