- 中央大学のSDGsへの取り組み
- 化石記録に基づいた陸上植物、生物多様性及び陸上生態系の進化史解明とその教育的利用
- SDGs目標
- カテゴリ
【取り組みのテーマ】化石記録に基づいた陸上植物、生物多様性及び陸上生態系の進化史解明とその教育的利用(理工学部 西田 治文教授)
【Theme of the initiative】Evolutionary studies of land plants, biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems based on fossil records, and their educational implementation(Faculty of Science and Engineering Professor D.Sc. NISHIDA Harufumi)
Year of implementation
since 1997
Overview of initiatives, significance, and results
Plants are the basic producers in ecosystems. The ecosystem services that are essential to our daily lives are based on the stability of the inorganic environment, including the atmosphere, water cycle, and soil, and cannot be enjoyed without plants. The maintenance of healthy ecosystems and biodiversity is a common international goal that humanity should strive for. The formation and transmission of this societal goal can only be achieved through education. For example, information such as the notion that the history of terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity is only 1/9th of the history of the earth, and that global ecosystems will take at least a million years to recover from the current rate of destruction, are necessary to understand that ongoing extinction and environmental destruction cannot be repaired by technology. Plant fossil research can provide the basis of such a biological education. Since my appointment in 1997, I have taught courses in undergraduate (Biology, etc.), departmental (Evolutionary Diversity Biology, etc.), and interdepartmental (FLP Environment) contexts. Similar education programmes have also been developed as lectures and talks at other universities, schools and for members of society at large. I have been active as Executive Director of the NGO Biodiversity JAPAN, and I have served since 2003 as a country delegate to the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), which is also contributing to the SDGs. For academic achievements and related publications, please refer to the Researcher Database.