【Videos】CHUO GLOBAL x Diversity & Inclusion
「グローバル? 英語、苦手だし…、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン…どういう意味? なんだか難しそう」上のタイトルを見て、そう思った人もいるかもしれません。すぐそばにあるものなのに、何か特別なもの、別世界のこと、そう考えた瞬間に、本当に遠ざかってしまうかもしれません。中央大学に関わるすべての皆さんに、視ていただきたい動画です。
“Global? I'm not good at English...Diversity & Inclusion... I wonder what that means?” This may be what some of you are thinking. While these are critical issues that are relevant to everyone, it may not be easy to find a connection with you right away. We created the following videos because Chuo strives to be a global, diverse, and inclusive campus. The videos showcase a wide range of initiatives from classroom practice to student activities at the International Residence. Please enjoy!
In today's increasingly globalized world, Chuo aims to develop global individuals who will lead a society where diversity is respected and people from different backgrounds and attributes can play an active role. Here is the President’s message to all prospective students.
President’s message: Chuo University is committed to the development of truly global individuals
中央大学に「ダイバーシティセンター」があることをご存知ですか? 中央大学は、2017年に公表した「ダイバーシティ宣言」に基づき、2020年にダイバーシティセンターを設置しました。ダイバーシティセンターでは、障害や病気に関すること(障害領域)、性別や性に関すること(ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ領域)、多文化共生に関すること(グローバル領域)を軸に、ダイバーシティ推進に取り組んでいます。この動画では、ダイバーシティとは何か、大学生のみなさんにとってどのような関わりがあるのかを説明するとともに、ダイバーシティセンターの活動を紹介しています。
The Diversity Center was established in 2020 based on the Declaration of Diversity released by Chuo in 2017. The Diversity Center works to promote diversity on campus by focusing on three main areas: Disabilities and Illness (Disability area), Gender and Sexuality (Gender and Sexuality area), and Multicultural Community (Global area). This video shows the issues surrounding these areas and how they are relevant to students, as well as the activities organized by the Diversity Center.
Creating a campus that respects diversity: Initiatives for promoting diversity
It is important for those who will become leaders in a multicultural society to learn about multicultural coexistence. We introduce one of the classes where students explore how diverse cultures around the world, especially invisible cultures, relate to values and ways of doing things. The class aims to provide the knowledge and experience necessary for people from diverse cultures to work together.
「見えない文化の影響を考える ~互いを認め合い、共生していくために~」
Considering the impact of invisible culture: Toward mutual understanding and harmonious living
Approximately 20% of the students in the Faculty of Global Management are international students. This faculty, where students from diverse backgrounds study together, indicates one of the future forms of the global society that you will participate in and help sustain.
Developing global competence from international students: Different backgrounds make learning interesting
In April, 2020, the International Residence Chuo (IRC) opened on the Tama Campus, where international and domestic students live and learn together. What kind of intercultural experiences are created by living with students from diverse cultural backgrounds? Watch interviews with two students who are active in the IRC.
Deepening intercultural understanding by increasing individual awareness: Learning at the International Residence Chuo
Chuo is engaged in a variety of initiatives to promote Diversity & Inclusion. In addition to exchange events with international students and promoting understanding of Diversity & Inclusion, Chuo provides many learning experiences, such as support for women and workshops for high school students. We aim to create campuses where people from various backgrounds can work together.