


8月2日(金) 16時~
多摩キャンパス 3号館 9階 3913号室
8月2日(金) 16時~
多摩キャンパス 3号館 9階 3913号室
Chang Hong Liu 氏(ボーンマス大学教授)
◆テーマ:Face and Culture: Self Construals Modulate Face Perception

◆要 旨: Like other self-referential stimuli, self-face is known to capture greater attention relative to other familiar faces such as the face of a good friend. Although the adaptive value of self-importance in self-construals undoubtedly steps from a universal law of nature, a close scrutiny of this also reveals how self-construals are at least in part shaped by culture. This talk highlights how the way we see our own face relative to others is profoundly rooted in our cultural value system and how this culturally defined mode of self-face perception can be both stable and malleable over time. Event-related potentials (ERPs) from British and Chinese participants were recorded while they performed a simple perceptual judgment task of their own face or a familiar face. A clear cultural difference was observed in both their behavioural and ERP data. A follow-up study of these cultural groups also demonstrated malleability of their default processing mode after a simple self-construal priming procedure was given prior to the face perception task, where the priming procedure encouraged participants to see themselves either in the light of their own default cultural value or in a different cultural value.

◆講演言語:英語 通訳:なし